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Volume 27, Number 7—July 2021

Effects of Coronavirus Disease Pandemic on Tuberculosis Notifications, Malawi

Rebecca Nzawa Soko1, Rachael M. Burke1Comments to Author , Helena R.A. Feasey, Wakumanya Sibande, Marriott Nliwasa, Marc Y.R. Henrion, McEwen Khundi, Peter J. Dodd, Chu Chang Ku, Gift Kawalazira, Augustine T. Choko, Titus H. Divala, Elizabeth L. Corbett2, and Peter MacPherson2
Author affiliations: Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Clinical Research Programme, Blantyre, Malawi (R. Nzawa Soko, R.M. Burke, H.R.A. Feasey, W. Sibande, M. Nliwasa, M.Y.R. Henrion, M. Khundi, A.T. Choko, T.H. Divala, E.L. Corbett, P. MacPherson); London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK (R. Nzawa Soko, R.M. Burke, H.R.A. Feasey, M. Khundi, T.H. Divala, E.L. Corbett, P. MacPherson); University of Malawi College of Medicine, Blantyre (M. Nliwasa); Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, UK (M.Y.R. Henrion, P. MacPherson); University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK (P.J. Dodd, C.C. Ku); District Health Office, Blantyre (G. Kawalazira)

Main Article

Figure 2

Effects of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on monthly TB case notifications in Blantyre, Malawi, by HIV status, registration site, and sex. A) TB notifications at primary healthcare centers. B) TB notifications at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital. Dots indicate observed number of cases per month. Solid lines indicate fitted model with both step and slope change due to COVID-19; shaded areas indicate 95% CI. Vertical dotted lines indicate time that COVID-19 emergency was declared in Malawi. TB, tuberculosis.

Figure 2. Effects of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on monthly TB case notifications in Blantyre, Malawi, by HIV status, registration site, and sex. A) TB notifications at primary healthcare centers. B) TB notifications at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital. Dots indicate observed number of cases per month. Solid lines indicate fitted model with both step and slope change due to COVID-19; shaded areas indicate 95% CI. Vertical dotted lines indicate time that COVID-19 emergency was declared in Malawi. TB, tuberculosis.

Main Article

1These first authors contributed equally to this article.

2These last authors contributed equally to this article.

Page created: May 04, 2021
Page updated: June 16, 2021
Page reviewed: June 16, 2021
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