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Volume 27, Number 8—August 2021

Costs and Outcomes of Integrated Human African Trypanosomiasis Surveillance System Using Rapid Diagnostic Tests, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Rian SnijdersComments to Author , Alain Fukinsia, Yves Claeys, Epco Hasker, Alain Mpanya, Erick Miaka, Filip Meheus, and Marleen Boelaert1
Author affiliations: Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel, Switzerland (R. Snijders); University of Basel, Basel (R. Snijders); Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium (R. Snijders, Y. Claeys, E. Hasker, M. Boelaert); Programme National de Lutte contre la Trypanosomiase Humaine Africaine, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo (A. Fukinsia, A. Mpanya, E. Miaka); International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France (F. Meheus)

Main Article

Table 2

Annual economic costs of passive human African trypanosomiasis screening in Mosango and Yasa Bonga health districts, Democratic Republic of the Congo*

Cost category and subcategory Description Cost, USD
Total, %
Mosango Yasa Bonga Total
Capital equipment 18,008 25,051 43,060 25
Equipment Confirmation equipment 4,734 6,627 11,360 7
  Laboratory equipment 2,539 3,554 6,093 4
  Nonmedical equipment 2,195 3,073 5,268 3
Training HAT diagnosis training 13,275 18,424 31.699 19
  Screening 5,079 6,950 12,029 7

Annual recurrent costs 69,243 56,764 126,008 75
Laboratory and medical supplies HAT tests 7,487 5,449 12,262 7
  RDTs 7,388 4,874 12,262 7
  Microscopy 99 575 673 0.4
Patient care Staging and inpatient and outpatient care 413 1,601 2,014 1
HR and infrastructure use Execution RDT 36,535 24,102 60,637 36
Management and supervision

Cost per person screened 7.95 11.29 9.28
Cost per case diagnosed and treated
21,813 3,557 6,262

*HAT, human African trypanosomiasis; HR, human resources; RDT, rapid diagnostic test.

Main Article


Page created: June 10, 2021
Page updated: July 18, 2021
Page reviewed: July 18, 2021
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