Volume 27, Number 8—August 2021
Mycobacterium microti Infections in Free-Ranging Red Deer (Cervus elaphus)
Table 2
Multilocus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis of 8 Mycobacterium microti strains used in study of tuberculosis caused by M. microti in red deer, Austria and Germany
Strain | Year isolated | Host | Country | Reference |
TG 481 | 2010 | Wild boar | Switzerland | (31) |
TG 435 | 2010 | Wild boar | Switzerland | (31) |
TI 17–1545 | 2017 | Wild boar | Switzerland | (9) |
TG 15–1955 | 2015 | Cat | Switzerland | (5) |
TG 15–294 | 2015 | Cat | Switzerland | This study |
ZH 1522744 | 2016 | Cat | Switzerland | (5) |
18–2304 | 2016 | Red fox | Austria | This study |
SG 17–2287 | 2017 | Alpaca | Switzerland | This study |
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Page created: May 12, 2021
Page updated: July 18, 2021
Page reviewed: July 18, 2021
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