Volume 28, Supplement—December 2022
Outcomes after Acute Malnutrition Program Adaptations to COVID-19, Uganda, Ethiopia, and Somalia
Figure 2
![Average total admissions in study of outcomes after acute malnutrition programs were adapted for COVID-19 at 12 Somalia outpatient therapeutic programs (A), 5 Uganda targeted supplementary feeding programs (B), and 81 Ethiopia outpatient therapeutic programs (C) at community management of acute malnutrition facilities. Black dots and lines indicate the mean values across all facilities in each country. Gray lines indicate values for each facility. Red vertical dashed lines indicate dates that program adaptations began. Black horizontal lines indicate dates that COVID-19 restrictions were in place. Blue shading indicates lean seasons. COVID-19 restrictions in place refers to COVID-19 mitigation policies that restrict movement (e.g., restrictions on transportation, lockdowns, and curfews). Lean seasons refer to months of increased food insecurity. Time frame varies for each country.](/eid/images/21-2266-F2.jpg)
Figure 2. Average total admissions in study of outcomes after acute malnutrition programs were adapted for COVID-19 at 12 Somalia outpatient therapeutic programs (A), 5 Uganda targeted supplementary feeding programs (B), and 81 Ethiopia outpatient therapeutic programs (C) at community management of acute malnutrition facilities. Black dots and lines indicate the mean values across all facilities in each country. Gray lines indicate values for each facility. Red vertical dashed lines indicate dates that program adaptations began. Black horizontal lines indicate dates that COVID-19 restrictions were in place. Blue shading indicates lean seasons. COVID-19 restrictions in place refers to COVID-19 mitigation policies that restrict movement (e.g., restrictions on transportation, lockdowns, and curfews). Lean seasons refer to months of increased food insecurity. Time frame varies for each country.