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Volume 28, Number 3—March 2022

High-Dose Convalescent Plasma for Treatment of Severe COVID-19

Gil C. De SantisComments to Author , Luciana Correa Oliveira, Pedro M.M. Garibaldi, Carlos E.L. Almado, Julio Croda, Ghislaine G.A. Arcanjo, Érika A.F. Oliveira, Adriana C. Tonacio, Dante M. Langhi, José O. Bordin, Renato N. Gilio, Leonardo C. Palma, Elaine V. Santos, Simone K. Haddad, Benedito P.A. Prado, Marjorie Cornejo Pontelli, Rogério Gomes, Carlos H. Miranda, Maria Auxiliadora Martins, Dimas T. Covas, Eurico Arruda, Benedito A.L. Fonseca, and Rodrigo T. Calado
Author affiliations: University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil (G.C. De Santis, L.C. Oliveira, E.V. Santos, S.K. Haddad, B.P.A. Prado Jr., D.T. Covas, R.T. Calado); Hospital Estadual de Serrana, Serrana, Brazil (P.M.M. Garibaldi, C.E.L. Almado); Hospital Regional do Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande, Brazil (J. Croda); Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Campo Grande (J. Croda); Universidade do Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande (J. Croda, G.G.A. Arcanjo); Hospital São Camilo, São Paulo (É.A.F. Oliveira, A.C. Tonacio, D.M. Langhi Jr.); Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo (D.M. Langhi Jr., J.O. Bordin); Hospital Estadual de Américo Brasiliense, Américo Brasiliense, Brazil (R.N. Gilio); Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil (L.C. Palma); Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo (M.C. Pontelli, R. Gomes, C.H. Miranda, M.A. Martins, E. Arruda, B.A.L. Fonseca)

Main Article

Table 1

Baseline demographics and clinical characteristics of participants in study of high-dose convalescent plasma for treatment of severe COVID-19, Brazil*

CCP, n = 36
Control, n = 71
p value
Age, mean ± SD, y 56.11 ± 15.15 59.25 ± 12.35 0.25
Sex, no. (%)
M, 23 (63.89) 44 (64.79) 1.0
F 13 (36.11) 27 (35.21)
Body mass index, median (range), kg/m2 29.75 (18.37–58.00) 29.41 (20.31–74.22) 0.88
Weight, median (range), kg
85 (50–156)
85 (50–190)
Underlying conditions
Hypertension, no. (%) 19 (52.78) 41 (57.75) 0.68
Diabetes mellitus, no. (%) 12 (33.33) 29 (40.85) 0.53
Renal replacement therapy, no. (%) 13 (36.11) 27 (38.03) 1.0
SAPS-3 score, median (range)† 56 (37–94) 68 (39–100) 0.15
SOFA score, median (range)
7.5 (1.0–14.0)
9.0 (2.0–14.0)
Clinical characteristic
Mechanical ventilation, no. (%) 32 (88.88) 58 (81.69) 0.41
D-dimer, median (range), μg/mL‡ 1.02 (0.27–10.00) 1.65 (0.39–20.00) 0.12
Blood type O/A§ 13/18 31/27 0.38
Blood type, rH positive/negative§ 33/3 67/3 0.41

*CCP, COVID-19 convalescent plasma; COVID-19, coronavirus disease; CRP: C-reactive protein; SAPS-3 score, Simplified Acute Physiology Score 3 at admission to intensive care unit; SOFA score, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (on day of randomization) for 20 CCP and 41 control patients. †31 CCP and 57 control patients. ‡23 CCP and 39 control patients on day of randomization. §106 patients.

Main Article

Page created: January 26, 2022
Page updated: February 21, 2022
Page reviewed: February 21, 2022
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