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Volume 28, Number 4—April 2022
Research Letter

Autochthonous Leishmania infantum in Dogs, Zambia, 2021

David Squarre1, Herman M. Chambaro1Comments to Author , Kyoko Hayashida1, Lavel C. Moonga, Yongjin Qiu, Yasuyuki Goto, Elizabeth Oparaocha, Chisoni Mumba, Walter Muleya, Patricia Bwalya, Joseph Chizimu, Mwelwa Chembensofu, Edgar Simulundu, Wizaso Mwasinga, Nelly Banda, Racheal Mwenda, Junya Yamagishi, King S. Nalubamba, Fredrick Banda, Musso Munyeme, Hirofumi Sawa, and Paul Fandamu
Author affiliations: University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK (D. Squarre); Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Lusaka, Zambia (D. Squarre, H.M. Chambaro, P. Bwalya, F. Banda, P. Fandamu); Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan (H.M. Chambaro, K. Hayashida, L.C. Moonga, Y. Qiu, J. Chizimu, J. Yamagishi, H. Sawa); Central Veterinary Research Institute, Lusaka (H.M. Chambaro, F. Banda); University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan (Y. Goto); Showgrounds Veterinary Clinic, Lusaka (E. Oparaocha); University of Zambia, Lusaka (C. Mumba, W. Muleya, M. Chembensofu, E. Simulundu, W. Mwasinga, N. Banda, R. Mwenda, K.S. Nalubamba, M. Munyeme); Macha Research Trust, Macha, Zambia (E. Simulundu); Global Virus Network, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (H. Sawa)

Main Article


Clinical manifestations and microscopic imaging of Leishmania infantum‒infected dog, Zambia. A, B) Dog (case 1) showing dermatitis and onychogryphosis (excessive growth of nails) (A) and focal corneal opacity of the left eye (B). C) Intracellular Leishmania amastigotes (black arrows) in fine-needle lymph node aspirate from the same dog. Scale bar indicates 20 μm.

Figure. Clinical manifestations and microscopic imaging of Leishmania infantum‒infected dog, Zambia. A, B) Dog (case 1) showing dermatitis and onychogryphosis (excessive growth of nails) (A) and focal corneal opacity of the left eye (B). C) Intracellular Leishmania amastigotes (black arrows) in fine-needle lymph node aspirate from the same dog. Scale bar indicates 20 μm.


Main Article

1These authors contributed equally to this article

Page created: December 22, 2021
Page updated: March 19, 2022
Page reviewed: March 19, 2022
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