Volume 29, Number 12—December 2023
Research Letter
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) from Wild Birds, Poultry, and Mammals, Peru
Summary of molecular markers identified in influenza virus strains from South America in study of highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) from wild birds, poultry, and mammals, Peru*
Protein | Mutation/motif | Phenotype |
PB2 |
D9N† | Increases virulence in mice |
L89V, G309D, T339K, R477G, I495V, K627E, A676T | Increases polymerase activity in mammalian cell lines and increases virulence in mice | |
Q591K‡ | Increases polymerase activity in mammalian and avian cell lines, increases replication in mammalian cell lines, increases virulence in mice | |
D701N‡ |
Increases polymerase activity, enhances replication efficiency, increases virulence and contact transmission in guinea pigs, increases virulence in mice |
PB1 |
D3V | Increases polymerase activity and viral replication in avian and mammalian cell lines |
D622G |
Increases polymerase activity and virulence in mice |
PB1-F2 |
N66S |
Enhances replication, virulence, and antiviral response in mice |
PA |
N383D |
Increases polymerase activity in mammalian and avian cell lines |
HA |
D94N,§ S133A, S154N | Increases virus binding to α2–6 receptor |
T156A | Increases virus binding to α2–6, increases transmission in guinea pigs | |
S107R, T108I | Increases virulence in chickens and mice and the pH of fusion | |
K218Q, S223R | Increases virus binding to α2–3 and α2–6 receptors | |
321-329 (PLR(EorG)KRRKR) |
Polybasic cleavage motif sequence required for HPAIV |
NP |
M105V¶ | Increases virulence in chickens |
I109T# | Increases polymerase activity and viral replication in chickens (but not ducks), increases virulence in chickens | |
A184K |
Increases replication in avian cells and virulence in chickens |
M1 |
N30D | Increases virulence in mice |
I43M | Increases virulence in mice, chickens and ducks | |
T215A |
Increases virulence in mice |
M2 |
I27A** |
Increases resistance to amantadine and rimantadine |
NS1 | P42S | Increases virulence and decreases the antiviral response in mice |
C138F | Increases replication in mammalian cell and decreases the interferon response | |
V149A | Increases virulence and decreases the interferon response in chickens | |
L103F, I106M | Increases virulence in mice | |
K55E, K66E, C138F | Enhances replication in mammalian cells and decreases the interferon response |
*Molecular markers of influenza virus strains were identified as previously described (9). HA, hemagglutinin; HPAIV, highly pathogenic avian influenza virus; M1, matrix protein 1; M2, matrix protein 2; NP, nucleoprotein; NS1, nonstructural protein 1. †Only in 2 sequences from pelicans (GISAID [https://www.gisaid.org] accession nos. EPI_ISL_17099964, EPI_ISL_17165223). ‡Only in sequences from 2 sea lions in Peru and 1 human case in Chile. §Only in 1 sequence from a wild bird in Peru (GISAID accession no. EPI_ISL_17660074). ¶Mutation sequences from Venezuela and Colombia (Choco) have M rather than V. #Only in sequences from Colombia (Choco). **Only in 1 sequence from a wild bird in Peru (GISAID accession no. EPI_ISL_17777528).
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