Volume 29, Number 6—June 2023
Ranid Herpesvirus 3 Infection in Common Frog Rana temporaria Tadpoles
Figure 2

Figure 2. Location of sampling areas in study of ranid herpesvirus 3 infection in common frog Rana temporaria tadpoles, Norway. We collected 14 sample batches of free-ranging tadpoles (3–13 tadpoles per batch) either directly from or in close (<10 m) proximity to 5 ponds in Norway in 2022, where adult frogs with lesions consistent with ranid herpesvirus 3 (RaHV3) infection were observed earlier in the year. Maps show locations of ponds in Lillehammer, Skytta, and Gjelleråsen and the distances (in meters) between them. The 2 ponds marked collectively as 3b are linked by marshland in which adult frogs breed independently and are, therefore, treated as 1 complex. We found 2 of 14 sampled tadpole batches were positive for RaHV3 by using PCR, corresponding to pond areas in Lillehammer and Skytta. After testing each tadpole in the positive batches, we identified 6 of 13 tadpoles from the Lillehammer pond and 1 of 4 from the Skytta pond that were RaHV3-positive.