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Volume 29, Number 7—July 2023

Long-Term Epidemiology and Evolution of Swine Influenza Viruses, Vietnam

Jonathan Cheung, Anh Ngoc Bui, Sonia Younas, Kimberly M. Edwards, Huy Quang Nguyen, Ngoc Thi Pham, Vuong Nghia Bui, Malik Peiris1Comments to Author , and Vijaykrishna Dhanasekaran1
Author affiliations: The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China (J. Cheung, S. Younas, K.M. Edwards, M. Peiris, V. Dhanasekaran); National Institute of Veterinary Research, Hanoi, Vietnam (A.N. Bui, H.Q. Nguyen, N.T. Pham, V.N. Bui); Centre for Immunology & Infection, Hong Kong (M. Peiris).

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Figure 1

Swine influenza virus detection in Vietnam during 2010–2019. A) Number of swine Influenza viruses isolated from Van Phuc slaughterhouse in Hanoi during 2013–2014 (13,26) and 2016–2019, alongside other surveillance studies in Vietnam (23,27,28). B) Percentages of swine influenza virus subtypes detected. C) Provincial origins (gray shading) of pigs sampled at Van Phuc slaughterhouse during 2016–2019.

Figure 1. Swine influenza virus detection in Vietnam during 2010–2019. A) Number of swine Influenza viruses isolated from Van Phuc slaughterhouse in Hanoi during 2013–2014 (13,26) and 2016–2019, alongside other surveillance studies in Vietnam (23,27,28). B) Percentages of swine influenza virus subtypes detected. C) Provincial origins (gray shading) of pigs sampled at Van Phuc slaughterhouse during 2016–2019.


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1These senior authors contributed equally to this article.

Page created: May 10, 2023
Page updated: June 20, 2023
Page reviewed: June 20, 2023
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