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Volume 30, Number 5—May 2024

Protective Efficacy of Lyophilized Vesicular Stomatitis Virus–Based Vaccines in Animal Model

Abd’jeleel Salawudeen, Geoff Soule, Nikesh Tailor, Levi Klassen, Jonathan Audet, Angela Sloan, Yvon Deschambault, and David SafronetzComments to Author 
Author affiliations: University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (A. Salawudeen, D. Safronetz); Public Health Agency of Canada, Winnipeg (G. Soule, N. Tailor, L. Klassen, J. Audet, A. Sloan, Y. Deschambault, D. Safronetz)

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Figure 1

Vaccine recovery after lyophilization in study of protective efficacy of lyophilized vesicular stomatitis virus–based vaccines in animal model. A) VSV∆G/LASVGPC vaccine stored at 4°C; B) VSV∆G/EBOVGP vaccine stored at 4°C; C) VSV∆G/LASVGPC vaccine stored at 21°C; D) VSV∆G/EBOVGP vaccine stored at 21°C; E) VSV∆G/LASVGPC vaccine stored at 21°C; F) VSV∆G/EBOVGP vaccine stored at 21°C. VSV∆G/LASVGPC or VSV∆G/EBOVGP vaccines were lyophilized in DMEM containing no excipients or containing combinations of 5% lactalbumin hydrolysate, 10% sucrose, 5% trehalose, or 0.5% gelatin and stored at different temperatures. At the specified time points, vaccines were resuspended in triplicate in normal saline, titered by using standard tissue culture techniques, and the median TCID50 was calculated for each. p values are indicated above brackets. Errors bars are SDs. DMEM, Dulbecco modified Eagle medium; G, gelatin; LS, lactalbumin hydrolysate and sucrose; NC, not calculated; T, trehalose; TCID50, 50% tissue culture infectious dose; VSV-Lassa, vesicular stomatitis virus expressing Lassa virus glycoprotein; VSV-Zebov, vesicular stomatitis virus expressing Ebola virus glycoprotein.

Figure 1. Vaccine recovery after lyophilization in study of protective efficacy of lyophilized vesicular stomatitis virus–based vaccines in animal model. A) VSV∆G/LASVGPC vaccine stored at 4°C; B) VSV∆G/EBOVGP vaccine stored at 4°C; C) VSV∆G/LASVGPC vaccine stored at 21°C; D) VSV∆G/EBOVGP vaccine stored at 21°C; E) VSV∆G/LASVGPC vaccine stored at 21°C; F) VSV∆G/EBOVGP vaccine stored at 21°C. VSV∆G/LASVGPC or VSV∆G/EBOVGP vaccines were lyophilized in DMEM containing no excipients or containing combinations of 5% lactalbumin hydrolysate, 10% sucrose, 5% trehalose, or 0.5% gelatin and stored at different temperatures. At the specified time points, vaccines were resuspended in triplicate in normal saline, titered by using standard tissue culture techniques, and the median TCID50 was calculated for each. p values are indicated above brackets. Errors bars are SDs. DMEM, Dulbecco modified Eagle medium; G, gelatin; LS, lactalbumin hydrolysate and sucrose; NC, not calculated; T, trehalose; TCID50, 50% tissue culture infectious dose; VSV-Lassa, vesicular stomatitis virus expressing Lassa virus glycoprotein; VSV-Zebov, vesicular stomatitis virus expressing Ebola virus glycoprotein.

Main Article

Page created: March 05, 2024
Page updated: April 24, 2024
Page reviewed: April 24, 2024
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