Volume 31, Number 3—March 2025
Outbreak Caused by Multidrug-Resistant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis with Unusual Combination of Resistance Mutations, Northern Argentina, 2006–2022
Table 2
Resistance conferring mutations found in Ch strain isolates from patients with MDR-TB infection, Argentina, 2006–2022*
Mutation | Drug | Confidence grading | Phenotype/genotype† | Concordance |
rpoB_Asp435His |
Associated with resistance–interim |
24/24 |
Yes |
rpoB_His445Asp |
Associated with resistance |
24/24 |
Yes |
fabG1-inhA_t-8c | INH | Associated with resistance–interim | 24/24 | Yes |
Associated with resistance–interim |
3/24‡ |
Partial |
katG_Ser315Thr |
Associated with resistance |
24/24 |
Yes |
embB_Met306Ile |
Associated with resistance |
18/24§ |
Partial |
embA_c-11a |
Uncertain significance |
NA |
NA |
pncA_Pro54Leu |
Associated with resistance |
24/24 |
Yes |
rpsL_Lys43Arg |
Associated with resistance |
24/24 |
Yes |
rrs_a1401 g | KAN | Associated with resistance | 1/1 | Yes |
AMK | Associated with resistance | 1/1 | Yes | |
Associated with resistance |
1/1 |
Yes |
eis_c-14t | KAN | Associated with resistance | 1/1 | Yes |
AMK | Associated with resistance–interim | 0/1 | No | |
NA |
0/1 |
NA |
tlyA_Arg18stop (LoF) | KAN | NA | 0/1 | NA |
AMK | NA | 0/1 | NA | |
Associated with resistance |
1/1 |
Yes |
gyrA_Asp94Ala |
Associated with resistance |
10/10¶ |
Yes |
rrl_g2270t |
Associated with resistance–interim |
1/1# |
Yes |
Rv0678_144dupC (LoF) | BDQ | Associated with resistance | 1/1 | Yes |
CFZ | Associated with resistance | 1/1** | Yes |
*Confidence grading according to the World Health Organization Catalogue of Mutations, 2nd Edition (3). AMK, amikacin; BDQ, bedaquiline; CAP, capreomycin; CFZ, clofazimine; EMB, ethambutol; ETH, ethionamide; FLQ, fluoroquinolone; INH, isoniazid; LoF, loss of function; LZD, linezolid; NA, not applicable; PZA, pyrazinamide; RIF, rifampin; Stop, stop codon; STR, streptomycin; 2LI, second-line injectable drugs.†For the isolates studied by whole-genome sequencing; phenotypically resistant isolates/isolates harboring each mutation are indicated. ‡Fifteen isolates were sensitive, 5 isolates had discordant results between methods, and 1 isolate was not tested. §Two isolates were susceptible, 3 had discordant results between proportion and MGIT methods, and 1 isolate was not studied. ¶Resistance to low dose of moxifloxacin. #Isolate 6.4 had a MIC of 4 mg/L for LZD (suggested cutoff value 0.5 mg/L). **Isolate 10.4 had a MIC of 2 mg/L for CFZ (suggested cutoff value 0.25 mg/L). Phenotypic resistance to BDQ was implemented in 2021, and isolate 10.4. was tested in the light of the genomic results.
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1These first authors contributed equally to this article.