Volume 5, Number 4—August 1999
Chlorine Disinfection of Recreational Water for Cryptosporidium parvum
Table 1
Outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis in recreational water facilities
Facility | Location | Disinfectant | No.of cases estimated/confirmed) | Date (year) | Ref. |
Pool | Doncaster, UK | Chlorine | a/79 | 1988 | 2 |
Pool | Los Angeles County | Chlorine | 44/5 | 1988 | 3 |
Pool | British Columbia | Chlorine | 66/23 | 1990 | 4 |
Pool | Gloucestershire, UK | Ozone/chlorine | a/13 | 1992 | 5 |
Water slide | Idaho | Chlorine | 500/a | 1992 | 6 |
Pool (wave) | Oregon | Chlorine | a/52 | 1992 | 7 |
Pool (motel) | Wisconsin | Chlorine | 51/22 | 1993 | 8,9 |
Pool (motel) | Wisconsin | Chlorine | 64/b | 1993 | 9 |
Pool | Wisconsin | Chlorine | 5/b | 1993 | 9 |
Pool | Wisconsin | Chlorine | 54/b | 1993 | 9 |
Pool (motel) | Missouri | Chlorine | 101/26 | 1994 | 10 |
Lake | New Jersey | None | 2,070/46 | 1994 | 11 |
Pool | Sutherland, New South Wales | Chlorine | a/70 | 1994 | 12 |
Pool | Kansas | a | 101/26 | 1995 | 13 |
Water park | Georgia | Chlorine | 2,470/62 | 1995 | 13 |
Water park | Nebraska | a | a/14 | 1995 | 13 |
Pool | Florida | a | 22/16 | 1996 | 14c |
Water park | California | Chlorine | 3,000/29 | 1996 | 13,15c |
Pool | Andover, UK | Chlorine | 8/a | 1996 | 16 |
Lake | Indiana | None | 3/a | 1996 | 13 |
River | NW England & Wales | None | 27/7 | 1997 | 17c |
Pool | SW England & Wales | Ozone & chlorine | a/9 | 1997 | 17c |
Fountain | Minnesota | Sand filter | 369/73 | 1997 | 18 |
Three pools | Canberra, Australia | a | a/210 | 1998 | 19c,20c |
Pool | Oregon | a | 51/8 | 1998 | 21c |
Pools | Queensland | a | 129/a | 1997 | 21c |
Pools | New South Wales | a | 370/a | 1998 | 22c |
Pools | Hutt Valley, New Zealand | a | a/171 | 1998 | 23c |
aNo data available.
bReference did not identify cases as estimated or confirmed.
cReference is not peer reviewed and may not reflect a rigorous investigation of the outbreak.
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Page created: December 13, 2010
Page updated: December 13, 2010
Page reviewed: December 13, 2010
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