Volume 7, Number 3—June 2001
Correction: Vol. 6, No. 5
In the article, “Prevalence of Non-O157:H7 Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli in Diarrheal Stool Samples from Nebraska,” by Paul D. Fey et al., an error occurred in reporting a primer used for amplifying the shiga-toxin gene.
The first complete sentence at the top of column 1, page 531, should read, “The following set of primers, which detects both stx1 and stx2, was used: 5' TTTACGATAGACTTCTCGAC 3' and 5' CACATATAAATTATTTCGCTC 3'.” We regret any confusion this error may have caused.
Table of Contents – Volume 7, Number 3—June 2001
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