Volume 7, Number 4—August 2001
West Nile Virus
West Nile Virus
Crow Deaths as a Sentinel Surveillance System for West Nile Virus in the Northeastern United States, 1999
Figure 2
1Ward Stone, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation; Madhu Anand, Rockland County (NY) Department of Health; Annie Fine, Nancy Jeffery, New York City Department of Health; Ada Huang, Christine Falco, Westchester County (NY) Department of Health; Steve Kopian, Nassau County (NY) Department of Health; Clare Bradley, Suffolk County (NY) Department of Health Services; Kate Schmit, Amy Willsey, Yoichiro Hagiwara, Dennis White, Barbara Wallace, Perry Smith, Hwa-Gan Chang, New York State Department of Health; local and county agencies in New Jersey and Connecticut; Eddy Bresnitz, Colin Campbell, New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services; Doug Roscoe, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection; Theodore Andreadis, John Anderson, Charles Vossbrinck, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station; James Hadler, Connecticut Department of Public Health; Herbert Van Kruiningen, Antonio Garmendia, Richard French, University of Connecticut; Jenny Dickson, Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection; Lou Sileo, National Wildlife Health Center; and Amy Kerst, Robert Lanciotti, Nicholas A. Panella, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.