Volume 14, Number 10—October 2008
Effects of School Closures, 2008 Winter Influenza Season, Hong Kong

Figure. Influenza surveillance data from December 1, 2007, through April 26, 2008, including the 2-week school closure period (gray vertical bar): A) Proportion of influenza A and B isolations (by date of collection) among all children’s specimens that were submitted to the World Health Organization (WHO) reference laboratory at Queen Mary Hospital (most specimens are referred from local hospitals). B) Proportion of influenza A and B isolations (by date of collection) among all adult patients’ specimens that were submitted to the WHO reference laboratory at Queen Mary Hospital. C) Weekly influenza-like illness (ILI) (defined as fever plus cough or sore throat) consultation rates in sentinel networks of outpatient clinics in the private (GP) and public (GOPC) sectors. D) Weekly rates of public hospital admissions in young children (<4 years) with a principal diagnosis of influenza (International Classification of Diseases, 9th revision, code 487), where the denominator is the general population of the same age. E) Daily estimates of the effective reproductive number based on the laboratory and sentinel outpatient data. Source for panels B–D (7).
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