Volume 15, Number 4—April 2009
Oseltamivir-Resistant Influenza Virus A (H1N1), Europe, 2007–08 Season
Figure 1
![Prescription data of oseltamivir treatment courses for Western Europe (in thousands); 12 months of data for each year 2002–2007 and through September for 2008. Data from the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Portugal are excluded because of negligible values. Data provided by IMS Health (www.imshealth.com), London, UK.](/eid/images/08-1280-F1.jpg)
Figure 1. Prescription data of oseltamivir treatment courses for Western Europe (in thousands); 12 months of data for each year 2002–2007 and through September for 2008. Data from the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Portugal are excluded because of negligible values. Data provided by IMS Health (www.imshealth.com), London, UK.
1European Influenza Surveillance Scheme members, 2007–08 season: P. Lachner, T. Popow-Kraupp, R. Strauss (Austria); B. Brochier, M. Sabbe, I. Thomas, V. Casteren, F. Yane (Belgium); T. Georgieva, M. Kojouharova, R. Kotseva, A. Kurchatova (Bulgaria); B. Aleraj, V. Drazenovic (Croatia); D. Bagatzouni-Pieridou, A. Elia (Cyprus); M. Havlickova, J. Kyncl (Czech Republic); S. Glismann, A. Mazick, L. Nielsen (Denmark); D.M. Fleming, A. Lackenby, J. Watson, M. Zambon (England); O. Sadikova, I. Sarv (Estonia); T. Ziegler (Finland); J.-M. Cohen, V. Enouf, B. Lina, A. Mosnier, M. Valette, S. van der Werf (France); U. Buchholz, W. Haas, B. Schweiger (Germany); A.G. Kossivakis, V. Kyriazopoulou-Dalaina, A. Mentis, G. Spala (Greece); G. Berencsi, A. Csohán, I. Jankovics (Hungary); S. Coughlan, L. Domegan, M. Duffy, M. Joyce, J. O’Donnell, D. O'Flanagan (Ireland); F. Ansaldi, P. Crovari, I. Donatelli, F. Pregliasco (Italy); R. Nikiforova, I. Van Velicko, N. Zamjatina (Latvia); A. Griskevicius, N. Kupreviciene, G. Rimseliene (Lithuania); J. Mossong, M. Opp (Luxembourg); C. Barbara, T. Melillo (Malta); A. Arkema, T. Meerhoff, W.J. Paget, K. van der Velden, (EISS-CC, the Netherlands); F. Dijkstra, G. Donker, J.C. de Jong, A. Meijer, G. Rimmelzwaan, M. van der Sande, B. Wilbrink (the Netherlands); P. Coyle, H. Kennedy, H. O’Neill (Northern Ireland); O. Hungnes, B. Iversen (Norway); L. Brydak, M. Romanowska (Poland); I.M. Falcão, J.M. Falcão, H. Rebelo de Andrade (Portugal); V. Alexandrescu, E. Lupulescu (Romania); W. Carman, R. Gunson, J. Kean, J. McMenamin (Scotland); N. Milic, J. Nedeljkovic (Serbia); H. Blaskovicova, Z. Kristufkova, M. Sláciková (Slovakia); K. Prosenc, M. Socan (Slovenia); I. Casas, A. Larrrauri, S. de Mateo, R. Ortiz de Lejarazu, P. Pérez-Breña, T. Pumarola Suñé, T. Vega Alonso (Spain); M. Brytting, A. Linde, P. Penttinen, S. Rubinova (Sweden); Y. Thomas, M. Witschi (Switzerland); N. Yilmaz (Turkey); M. Aranova, A. Mironenko (Ukraine); A. Hay (United Kingdom); and R. Jones, D. Thomas (Wales).