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Volume 11, Number 10—October 2005

Myocarditis Outbreak among Adults, Illinois, 2003

Gregory D. Huhn*†Comments to Author , Cindy Gross‡, David Schnurr§, Chris Preas§, Shigeo Yagi§, Sarah Reagan*, Chris Paddock*, Douglas Passaro¶, and Mark S. Dworkin†
Author affiliations: *Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA; †Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago, Illinois, USA; ‡Kane County Health Department, Aurora, Illinois, USA; §California Department of Health Services, Richmond, California, USA; ¶University of Illinois, Chicago, School of Public Health, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Main Article

Figure 1

Reported myocarditis case-patients by month of hospital admission, northern Illinois, 2003. (N = 15 because the exact date of admission to hospital was unknown for 1 patient).

Figure 1. Reported myocarditis case-patients by month of hospital admission, northern Illinois, 2003. (N = 15 because the exact date of admission to hospital was unknown for 1 patient).

Main Article

Page created: February 21, 2012
Page updated: February 21, 2012
Page reviewed: February 21, 2012
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