Volume 11, Number 12—December 2005
Passatempo Virus, a Vaccinia Virus Strain, Brazil
Figure 2

Figure 2. Consensus bootstrap phylogenetic tree based on the nucleotide sequence of Orthopoxvirus ha gene. The tree was constructed by the neighbor-joining method using the Tamura-Nei model of nucleotide substitutions implemented in MEGA3. The tree was midpoint-rooted, 1,000 bootstrap replicates were performed, and values >50% are shown. Nucleotide sequences were obtained from GenBank under accession numbers: PSTV (DQ070848), ARAV (AY523994), CTGV (AF229247), VACV-Wyeth (VVZ99051), VACV-TianTan (U25662), VBH (AY542799), VACV-WR (AY243312), VACV-Koppe (AF375122), VACV-MVA (U94848), VACV-IOC (AF229248), VACV-LST (AF375124), VACV-len (AF375123), VACV-COP (M35027), bfl-3906 (AF375077), VACV-Malbran (AY146624), RPXV-rev (AF375118), CPXV-GRI90 (CVZ9904), CPXV-BR (AF482758), ECTV-MOS (AF012825), CMLV-CMS (AY009089), CMLV-M96 (AF438165), VARV-BSH (L22579), VARV-IND (X69198), MPXV-ZRE (AF380138). (†) indicates Brazilian VACV isolates and (‡) indicates Brazilian vaccine samples.