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Volume 11, Number 3—March 2005

SARS-related Perceptions in Hong Kong

Joseph T.F. Lau*Comments to Author , Xilin Yang*, Ellie Pang*, H.Y. Tsui*, Eric Wong*, and Yun Kwok Wing*
Author affiliations: *The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China

Main Article

Table A2

Factors predicting IES and QOL scores (stepwise linear regression models) (survey 2 data)*

β coefficient (SE)
DV = IES subscale scores
DV = QOL (SF-36) subscale scores
Avoidance Intrusion Hyperarousal Mental health Vitality
Stage 1 (Stepwise selection of significant sociodemographic factors)
Female sex (ref = male) NS 1.62† (0.48) 1.07† (0.25) NS –4.66† (1.47)
Age group, y (ref = 18–24)
25–34 NS NS NS NS NS
35–49 NS NS NS NS NS
Education level 10–11 y (ref = <9 y) NS NS NS NS NS
Pre-university –1.27† (0.45) NS NS NS NS
University or higher NS NS NS NS NS
Marital status (ref = single)
Currently married or lived together NS 1.34† (0.49) 0.72† (0.26) NS NS
Divorced or widow NS NS NS NS –12.73‡ (5.63)
Employment status (ref = full time)
Part time NS NS NS NS NS
Unemployed NS NS NS NS NS
Housewife NS NS NS –6.03† (1.82) NS
Student NS NS NS 5.97† (2.17) 4.81‡ (2.31)
Retired or other NS NS NS NS NS
Religion (ref = no)
Christian NS NS NS NS NS
Buddhist NS 2.98† (0.88) 2.43† (0.46) –6.56† (2.51) NS
Stage 2 (Stepwise selection of psychological variables adjusting for univariately significant sociodemographic factors)
Feel horrified because of SARS (ref = moderately to strongly disagree)
Agree or strongly agree 0.87‡ (0.30)
Feel apprehensive because of SARS (ref = moderately to strongly disagree)
Agree or strongly agree 1.13† (0.42) 2.47† (0.48) 0.97† (0.28) –8.52† (1.37) –5.68† (1.58)
Felt helpless about SARS (ref = moderately to strongly disagree)
Agree or strongly agree 1.12† (0.40) –2.82‡ (1.28) –3.78‡ (1.47)
Worried about oneself or family member contracting SARS (ref = moderately worried to not worried)
Worried or very much worried 1.47† (0.40) 2.35† (0.45) 1.31† (0.24) –4.51† (1.27) –3.45‡ (1.48)
Increased work stress because of SARS (ref = same to much decreased)
Increased or much increased NS 1.58† (0.47) 0.74‡ (0.25) –4.96† (1.35) NS
Increased financial stress because of SARS (ref = same to much decreased)
Increased or much increased –3.15‡ (1.55)
Increased family stress because of SARS (ref = same to much decreased)
Increased or much increased 1.28† (0.46) 1.09‡ (0.53) 0.83‡ (0.27) –5.69† (1.51) –3.96‡ (1.77)
Change in social life because of SARS (ref = same to much improved)
Worse or much worse 1.27‡ (0.50) 1.15† (0.25)
Change in family members' emotional states because of SARS (ref = same to much improved)
Worse or much worse 1.16‡ (0.46) 2.21† (0.55) –6.20† (1.48) –4.48† (1.70)
Adjusted R2 0.081 0.226 0.243 0.227 0.106
Range of scores 0–35 0–35 0–20 6–30 4–24

*IES, impact of event scale; QOL, quality of life; DV, dependent variable; SF36, Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short Form Health Survey; SE, standard error; ref, referent; NS, not selected in Stage 1 stepwise linear regression analysis; –, not selected in Stage 2 stepwise linear regression analysis; SARS, severe acute respiratory syndrome. Perceived severity of SARS was entered into the stage 2 analysis, but it was not selected by any of the models.
†p < 0.01.
‡p < 0.05.

Main Article

Page created: April 25, 2012
Page updated: April 25, 2012
Page reviewed: April 25, 2012
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