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Volume 12, Number 7—July 2006

Smallpox during Pregnancy and Maternal Outcomes

Hiroshi Nishiura*†Comments to Author 
Author affiliation: *University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany; †Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan

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Table 2

Miscarriage or premature birth among pregnant women with smallpox by gestational age, according to data from 19th- and early 20th-century outbreaks*

Reference Gestational age <3 mo
Gestational age 4–6 mo
Gestational age 7–9 mo
L/C PL (95% CI) L/C PL (95% CI) L/C PL (95% CI)
Meyer (9), 1868–1872 7/33 21.2 (7.3–35.1) 16/33 48.5 (31.5–65.4) 8/10 80.0 (55.3–100.0)
Welch (10), 1878 8/12 66.7 (40.1–93.2) 9/22 40.9 (20.5–61.3) 10/12 83.3 (62.4–100.0)
Queirel (18), 1906 3/4 75.0 (32.8–100.0) 8/10 80.0 (55.3–100.0) 0/5 0 (NC)
Robertson (19), 1913 1/2 50.0 (0.0–100.0) 6/9 66.7 (36.0–97.3) 1/12 8.3 (0.0–23.9)
Rao (5), 1959–1962 10/21 47.6 (26.4–68.9) 16/65 24.6 (14.2–35.0) 41/94 43.6 (33.6–53.6)
Total 29/72 40.3 (29.0–51.5) 55/139 39.6 (31.5–47.7) 60/133 45.1 (36.7–53.5)

*L/C, miscarriage or premature birth/cases; PL, proportion of miscarriage and premature birth; CI, confidence interval; NC, not calculable.

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Page created: December 16, 2011
Page updated: December 16, 2011
Page reviewed: December 16, 2011
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