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Volume 13, Number 6—June 2007

Reemergence of Oropouche Fever, Northern Brazil

Raimunda do Socorro da Silva Azevedo*, Márcio Roberto Teixeira Nunes*, Jannifer Oliveira Chiang*, Gilberta Bensabath*, Helena Baldez Vasconcelos*, Ana Yecê das Neves Pinto*, Lívia Carício Martins*, Hamilton Antônio de Oliveira Monteiro*, Sueli Guerreiro Rodrigues*, and Pedro F.C. Vasconcelos*Comments to Author 
Author affiliations: *Instituto Evandro Chagas, Belém, Pará, Brazil;

Main Article

Table 1

Characteristics of Oropouche virus strains used for small RNA phylogenetic analyses

Strain Source Sample Year Location GenBank strain identification Accession no.
TRVL 9760 Human Blood 1955 Trinidad Trinidad 55 AF164531
BeAn 19991 Bradypus trydactylus Blood 1960 São Miguel, Brazil Brazil 60 AF164532
BeH 271815 Human Blood 1975 Santarém, Brazil Brazil 75 AF164533
BeAn 206119 Bradypus trydactylus Blood 1971 Maracanã, Brazil Brazil 71a AY993909
BeAn 208402 Bradypus trydactylus Blood 1971 Maracanã, Brazil Brazil 71b AY993910
BeAn 208819 Bradypus trydactylus Blood 1971 Maracanã, Brazil Brazil 71c AY993911
BeAn 208823 Bradypus trydactylus Blood 1971 Maracanã, Brazil Brazil 71d AY993912
BeH 390233 Human Blood 1980 Manaus, Brazil Brazil 80c AF164536
BeH 381114 Human Blood 1980 Belém, Brazil Brazil 80b AF164535
BeH 379693 Human Blood 1980 Castanhal, Brazil Brazil 80a AF164534
BeH 472200 Human Blood 1988 Porto Franco, Brazil Brazil 88a AF164537
BeH 472204 Human Blood 1988 Tocantinópolis, Brazil Brazil 88b AF164538
BeAr 473358 Culicoides paraensis Pool 1988 Porto Franco, Brazil Brazil 88c AF164539
BeH 475248 Human Blood 1988 Tucuruí, Brazil Brazil 88d AF164540
GLM 444477 Human Blood 1989 Panama Panama 89a AF164555
GLM 444911 Human Blood 1989 Panama Panama 89b AF164556
GLM 445252 Human Blood 1989 Panama Panama 89c AF164557
GLM 450093 Human Blood 1989 Panama Panama 89d AF164558
BeH 505514 Human Blood 1991 Santa Isabel, Brazil Brazil 91a AF164541
BeH 505442 Human Blood 1991 Ouro Preto d’Oeste, Brazil Brazil 91b AF164542
BeH 505663 Human Blood 1991 Ariquemes, Brazil Brazil 91c AF164543
IQT 1690 Human Blood 1992 Peru Peru 92 AF164549
MD 023 Human Blood 1993 Peru Peru 93a AF164550
DEI 209 Human Blood 1993 Peru Peru 93b AF164551
BeH 521086 Human Serum 1993 Barra do Corda, Brazil Brazil 93 AY704559
BeH 541863 Human Blood 1996 Altamira, Brazil Brazil 96a AF164544
BeH 543033 Human Blood 1996 Oriximiná, Brazil Brazil 96b AF164545
BeH 544552 Human Blood 1996 Brasil Novo, Brazil Brazil 96c AF164546
BeH 543087 Human Blood 1996 Xapuri, Brazil Brazil 96d AF164547
BeH 543618 Human Blood 1996 Oriximiná, Brazil Brazil 96e AF164548
BeH 543733 Human Serum 1996 Oriximiná, Brazil Brazil 96f AY704560
IQT 4083 Human Blood 1997 Peru Peru 97 AF164552
01–812–98 Human Blood 1998 Peru Peru 98a AF164553
IQT 7085 Human Blood 1998 Peru Peru 98b AF164554
BeAn 626990 Callithrix sp. Viscera 2000 Arinos, Brazil Brazil 00 AY117135
BeH 622544 Human Blood 2002 Paranã, Brazil Brazil 02 EF467368
BeH 669314 Human Blood 2003 Parauapebas, Brazil Brazil 03a EF467370
Be H 669315 Human Blood 2003 Parauapebas, Brazil Brazil 03b EF467369
BeH 682426 Human Blood 2004 Porto de Moz, Brazil Brazil 04a EF467377
BeH 682431 Human Blood 2004 Porto de Moz, Brazil Brazil 04b EF467372

Main Article

Page created: June 30, 2010
Page updated: June 30, 2010
Page reviewed: June 30, 2010
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