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Volume 14, Number 6—June 2008

Major Issues and Challenges of Influenza Pandemic Preparedness in Developing Countries

Hitoshi Oshitani*Comments to Author , Taro Kamigaki*, and Akira Suzuki*
Author affiliations: *Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan;

Main Article

Table 1

Cost of purchasing oseltamivir to cover 25% of population with regard to total health expenditure in countries with different economic status*

Category of country Average GNP, per capita† Average annual health expenditure, per capita† Cost of 1 treatment course of oseltamivir, 
% annual health expenditure
High income 30,168 3,376 0.11
Upper middle income 4,310 280 1.34
Lower middle income 1,364 77 4.87
Low income 753 29 12.93

*Data obtained from World Health Organization website ( GNP, gross national product.
†In US$.

Main Article

Page created: July 09, 2010
Page updated: July 09, 2010
Page reviewed: July 09, 2010
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