Volume 14, Number 6—June 2008
Underreporting of Human Alveolar Echinococcosis, Germany
Table 1
Characteristic | RKI (n = 60) | EER (n = 59) | PAS (n = 25) |
Median age, y (range) | 52 (15–92) | 53 (17–81) | 52 (18–81) |
Female sex, no. (%) | 32 (53) | 29 (49) | 14 (56) |
Residence south Germany, no. (%)† | 35 (76)‡ | 46 (77) | 10 (53)§ |
*RKI, Robert Koch Institute; EER, European Echinococcosis Registry; PAS, pathologists’ survey. Data as of March 2007.
†Case-patients for whom the 3 first digits of the residential postal code was >600.
‡Data available for 46 case-patients.
§Data available for 19 case-patients.
Page created: July 09, 2010
Page updated: July 09, 2010
Page reviewed: July 09, 2010
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