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Volume 15, Number 3—March 2009

Prevalence and Seasonality of Influenza-like Illness in Children, Nicaragua, 2005–2007

Aubree Gordon, Oscar Ortega, Guillermina Kuan, Arthur L. Reingold, Saira Saborio, Angel Balmaseda, and Eva HarrisComments to Author 
Author affiliations: University of California, Berkeley, California, USA (A. Gordon, A. Reingold, E. Harris); Sustainable Sciences Institute, Managua, Nicaragua (O. Ortega); Ministry of Health, Managua (G. Kuan, S. Saborio, A. Balmaseda)

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Figure 2

Incidence (cases/100 person-years) of influenza-like illness (ILI) in a cohort of children in Nicaragua, showing seasonal peaks, April 16, 2005–April 15, 2006, and April 16, 2006–April 15, 2007. A) Incidence of ILI episodes per calendar week. B) Incidence of high-probability ILI episodes per calendar week. C) Incidence of ILI in children 6–12 years of age per calendar week. All curves were smoothed by Lowess (19) by using a 3-week moving average.

Figure 2. Incidence (cases/100 person-years) of influenza-like illness (ILI) in a cohort of children in Nicaragua, showing seasonal peaks, April 16, 2005–April 15, 2006, and April 16, 2006–April 15, 2007. A) Incidence of ILI episodes per calendar week. B) Incidence of high-probability ILI episodes per calendar week. C) Incidence of ILI in children 6–12 years of age per calendar week. All curves were smoothed by Lowess (19) by using a 3-week moving average.

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Page created: December 07, 2010
Page updated: December 07, 2010
Page reviewed: December 07, 2010
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