Volume 15, Number 9—September 2009
Human Infection with G12 Rotaviruses, Germany
Figure 1
![Phylogenetic dendrogram of viral protein 7 (VP7) of G12 rotavirus at the amino acid level. Bootstraps values (1,000 replicates) >65% are shown. The strain name is prefixed by the country of origin (ARG, Argentina; BAN, Bangladesh; BEL, Belgium; GER, Germany; IND, India; JAP, Japan; NEP, Nepal; PHI, Philippines; SAU, Saudi Arabia; SKO, South Korea; THA, Thailand; USA, United States of America) as well as the viral host (Hu, human, Po, porcine). Boldface indicates strains of this study. GenBank](/eid/images/09-0497-F1.jpg)
Figure 1. Phylogenetic dendrogram of viral protein 7 (VP7) of G12 rotavirus at the amino acid level. Bootstraps values (1,000 replicates) >65% are shown. The strain name is prefixed by the country of origin (ARG, Argentina; BAN, Bangladesh; BEL, Belgium; GER, Germany; IND, India; JAP, Japan; NEP, Nepal; PHI, Philippines; SAU, Saudi Arabia; SKO, South Korea; THA, Thailand; USA, United States of America) as well as the viral host (Hu, human, Po, porcine). Boldface indicates strains of this study. GenBank accession numbers of VP7 genes compared: 04N338 BAF64828, 04S010 BAF64826, 14B2 AAZ79294, Arg720 ACA96827, B4633–03 ABA34217, CAU 214 ABK62858, CP727 BAD24105, Dhaka12–03 ABA34219, Dhaka25–02 ABA34218, ISO1 AAP03062, ISO11 AAY85305, ISO21 AAZ17431, ISO27 AAZ17433, K12 BAD89095, Kor588 ACA96829, L26 ABV53272, Matlab13–03 ABA34220, MD844 BAF02906, MMC29 ACJ54792, MS310–0 BAG83242, N26–02 ABA34221, RU172 ABB17172, RV161–00 ABF67557, SK277 ACJ54800, T152 BAB88671, US6588 ACJ66743.