Rift Valley Fever during Rainy Seasons, Madagascar, 2008 and 2009
Soa Fy Andriamandimby, Armand Eugène Randrianarivo-Solofoniaina, Elisabeth M. Jeanmaire, Lisette Ravololomanana, Lanto Tiana Razafimanantsoa, Tsanta Rakotojoelinandrasana, Josette Razainirina, Jonathan Hoffmann, Jean-Pierre Ravalohery, Jean-Théophile Rafisandratantsoa, Pierre E. Rollin, and Jean-Marc Reynes
Author affiliations: Institut Pasteur, Antananarivo, Madagascar (S.F. Andriamandimby, T. Rakotojoelinandrasana, J. Razainirina, J.Hoffmann, J.-P. Ravalohery, J.-T. Rafisandratantsoa, J.-M. Reynes); Ministère de la Santé et du Planning Familial, Antananarivo (A.E. Randrianarivo-Solofoniaina, L. Ravololomanana); Food and Agriculture Organization, Antananarivo (E.M. Jeanmaire); Ministère de l’Agriculture, d’Elevage et de la Pêche, Antananarivo, (L.T. Razafimanantsoa); Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (P.E. Rollin); 1Current affiliation: Centre Pasteur du Cameroun, Yaounde, Cameroon.
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Figure 1
Figure 1. Distribution of Rift Valley fever in the 111 administrative districts in Madagascar, 2008 and 2009.
Districts with laboratory-diagnosed confirmed or probable cases in humans and/or animals are indicated by yellow (2008), orange (2009), or red (both years). In districts without confirmed or probable cases, antibody data for Rift Valley fever virus immunoglobulin (Ig) levels in serum samples from at-risk professionals are indicated by green (IgM positive only), blue (IgG positive, IgM negative), or violet (IgG and IgM negative). No samples were received from districts shown in white.
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Page created: February 10, 2011
Page updated: February 10, 2011
Page reviewed: February 10, 2011
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