Volume 17, Number 10—October 2011
Swinepox Virus Outbreak, Brazil, 2011

Figure. Phylogenetic tree based on the predicted amino acid sequences of fragments of the DNA polymerase, DNA topoisomerase, and viral late transcription factor-3 of the clinical isolate (GenBank accession nos. JF770341, JF770342, and JF770343) and 15 poxviruses. Sequences were aligned by ClustalX version 1.81 (www.clustal.org), and the concatenated alignments were used for phylogeny inference (MEGA4; www.megasoftware.net) opting for the neighbor-joining method and Poisson correction. We computed 1,500 replicates for bootstrap support. Values >50% are shown. The tree is drawn to scale, with branch lengths in the same units as those of the evolutionary distances used to infer the phylogenetic tree. Virus species and GenBank accession numbers: LSDV (lumpy skin disease virus; AF409137), SSPV (sheeppox virus; AY077834), GTPV (goatpox virus; AY077834), SWPV-Neb (swinepox virus Nebraska strain; NC_003389), DPV (deerpox virus; AY689437), MYXV (myxoma virus; NC_001132), RFV (rabbit fibroma virus; NC_001266), YLDV (Yaba-like disease virus; NC_002642), YMTV (Yaba monkey tumor virus; NC_002642), VARV (variola virus; NC_002642), VACV-COP (vaccinia virus Copenhagen strain; M35027), VACV-WR (vaccinia virus WR strain; NC_006998), MPXV (monkeypox virus; DQ011154), FWPV (fowlpox virus; NC_002188), CRV (crocodilepox virus; NC_008030). Virus isolated in this study is underlined.