Volume 17, Number 12—December 2011
Isolation of Prion with BSE Properties from Farmed Goat
Bioassay results of first passage (ruminant to mouse) to determine presence of BSE*
Sample source and treatment† | Tissue‡ | Mouse line | No. PrPSc-positive mice/total no. mice inoculated§ | Clinically positive and H&E-positive mice | Mean (SD) incubation period postinoculation, d |
Caprine BSE suspected (V459/90) (16) | |||||
Fixed and embedded | Brainstem and cerebellum | C57/BL6 | 5/20 | 0 | NA |
RIII | 5/20 | 3 | 525 (93) | ||
VM | 9/20 | 6 | 620 (32) | ||
tg338 | 8/10 | 0 | NA | ||
Natural caprine scrapie 1 (E90/89) (16) | |||||
Fixed and embedded | Brainstem | C57/BL6 | 0/20 | 0 | NA |
RIII | 0/20 | 0 | NA | ||
VM | 0/20 | 0 | NA | ||
tg338 | 6/10 | 0 | NA | ||
Natural caprine scrapie 2 (84/1549) (17) | |||||
Fixed and embedded | Brainstem | C57/BL6 | 18/20 | 18 | 506 (26) |
RIII | 8/20 | 2 | 413 (98) | ||
VM | 15/20 | 6 | 586 (87) | ||
tg338 | 10/10 | 5 | 196 (13) | ||
Experimental caprine BSE (45x48) (21) | |||||
Fixed and embedded | Brainstem | C57/BL6 | 2/20 | 1 | 588 (NA) |
RIII | 3/20 | 2 | 535 (5) | ||
VM | 6/20 | 4 | 592 (51) | ||
tg338 | 10/10 | 0 | NA | ||
Experimental ovine BSE (PG0341/00) (11) | |||||
Fixed and embedded | Medulla | RIII | 7/20 | 6 | 388 (23) |
tg338 | 5/5 | 0 | NA | ||
Frozen | Medulla | RIII | 6/20 | 0 | NA |
tg338 | NA | NA | >785¶ | ||
Natural bovine BSE (PG0475/05, UK passive surveillance) | |||||
Fixed and embedded | Medulla | C57/BL6 | 2/20 | 1 | 713 (NA) |
RIII | 6/20 | 5 | 477 (49) | ||
VM | 13/20 | 2 | 578 (35) | ||
tg338 | 7/10 | 0 | NA | ||
Frozen | Medulla | C57/BL6 | 7/20 | 3 | 535 (76) |
RIII | 10/20 | 9 | 431 (29) | ||
VM | 16/20 | 3 | 568 (31) | ||
tg338 | 6/10 | 0 | NA | ||
Natural ovine scrapie (PG2413/98, UK passive surveillance) | |||||
Fixed and embedded | Medulla | RIII | 0/20 | 0 | NA |
tg338 | 5/5 | 3 | 97 (2) | ||
Frozen | Medulla | RIII | 9/20 | 8 | 490 (31) |
tg338 | 10/10 | 10 | 64 (2) |
*BSE, bovine spongiform encephalopathy; PrP, host-encoded prion protein; H&E, hematoxylin and eosin; NA, not applicable; UK, United Kingdom.
†Animal identification numbers are indicated in parentheses and, where available, references are supplied.
‡Brainstem inocula were prepared by pooling separate samples of brainstem (including medulla, midbrain, and thalamus) retrieved from paraffin wax blocks.
§Positive for PrPSc by using immunohistochemical analysis.
¶Postinoculation time, after which 2 of 10 inoculated mice were still alive at the time of writing; 5 of the 8 mice that died were PrPSc positive when examined by using immunohistochemical analysis.
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Page created: November 30, 2011
Page updated: November 30, 2011
Page reviewed: November 30, 2011
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