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Volume 18, Number 11—November 2012

Sources of Dengue Viruses Imported into Queensland, Australia, 2002–2010

David WarrilowComments to Author , Judith A. Northill, and Alyssa T. Pyke
Author affiliations: Queensland Health Forensic and Scientific Services, Archerfield, Queensland, Australia

Main Article

Figure 1

Number and diversity of dengue outbreaks in northern Queensland, Australia. A) Outbreaks of dengue causing epidemic spread in Queensland 1990–2010 showing 5-year moving average. B) Outbreaks shown as individual serotypes. C) Proportion of dengue virus serotypes responsible for the outbreaks shown in A and B. D) Geographic origins of dengue viruses imported into Queensland by viremic travelers. D1–D4, DENV-1–DENV-4; PNG, Papua New Guinea.

Figure 1. . . . Number and diversity of dengue outbreaks in northern Queensland, Australia. A) Outbreaks of dengue causing epidemic spread in Queensland 1990–2010 showing 5-year moving average. B) Outbreaks shown as individual serotypes. C) Proportion of dengue virus serotypes responsible for the outbreaks shown in A and B. D) Geographic origins of dengue viruses imported into Queensland by viremic travelers. D1–D4, DENV-1–DENV-4; PNG, Papua New Guinea.

Main Article

Page created: October 15, 2012
Page updated: October 15, 2012
Page reviewed: October 15, 2012
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