Volume 19, Number 4—April 2013
Serotype IV and Invasive Group B Streptococcus Disease in Neonates, Minnesota, USA, 2000–20101
Figure 3

Figure 3. . . . DNA macrorestriction profiles for serotype IV isolates from invasive group B Streptococcus (GBS) disease in infants, Minnesota. Isolates were studied by SmaI digestion and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) analysis and were designated as expressing C-protein α (C-α) or group B protective surface protein (BPS). Lane number is at the top and PFGE profile number at the bottom of each lane. A) Lane 2, λ molecular size standard; lanes 3 and 4, serotype IV/C-α GBS isolates from early-onset disease; lanes 5–7, prototypes of PFGE profile groups 39 (IV/C-α), 38 (IV/C-α), and 37 (IV/C-α and BPS); lane 8, internal standard 89-022 (Ib/C-α and C-β). B) Lane 1, λ molecular size standard; lane 2, PFGE profile 37 prototype (IV/C-α and BPS); lanes 3–6, isolates from late-onset disease; lanes 7–9, isolates from early-onset disease; lane 10, internal standard 89-022. Protein profile of isolates in lanes 2–4, C-α and BPS; lanes 5–8, BPS only. The isolate in lane 9 did not express any of the proteins studied.
1This work was presented in part at the XVIII Lancefield International Symposium on Streptococci and Streptococcal Diseases, September 4–8, 2011, Palermo, Italy.