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Volume 19, Number 8—August 2013

Novel G10P[14] Rotavirus Strain, Northern Territory, Australia

Daniel Cowley1Comments to Author , Celeste M. Donato1, Susie Roczo-Farkas, and Carl D. Kirkwood
Author affiliations: Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (D. Cowley, C.M. Donato, S. Roczo-Farkas, C.D. Kirkwood); La Trobe University, Melbourne (C.M. Donato, C.D. Kirkwood)

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Figure 2

Phylogenetic trees constructed from the nucleotide sequences of genes of rotavirus strain V585 and other group A rotavirus strains representing the R2, C2, M2, I2, A11, N2, T6, E2, and H3 genotypes. A) Viral protein (VP) 1, B) VP2, C) VP3, D) VP6, E) nonstructural protein (NSP) 1, F) NSP2, G) NSP3, H) NSP4, and I) NSP5. The reference strains for each genogroup were included in the phylogenetic analysis, but only the relevant genotype to V585 is shown in the final tree. The position of strain V58

Figure 2. . Phylogenetic trees constructed from the nucleotide sequences of genes of rotavirus strain V585 and other group A rotavirus strains representing the R2, C2, M2, I2, A11, N2, T6, E2, and H3 genotypes. A) Viral protein (VP) 1, B) VP2, C) VP3, D) VP6, E) nonstructural protein (NSP) 1, F) NSP2, G) NSP3, H) NSP4, and I) NSP5. The reference strains for each genogroup were included in the phylogenetic analysis, but only the relevant genotype to V585 is shown in the final tree. The position of strain V585 is indicated by an open square, and all strains from this study are in boldface font. Bootstrap values >70% are shown. Scale bar shows 0.05 nt substitutions per site. The nomenclature of all the rotavirus strains indicates the rotavirus group, species isolated from, country of strain isolation, the common name, year of isolation, and the genotypes for genome segment 9 and 4, as proposed by the Rotavirus Classification Working Group (2).


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1These authors contributed equally to this article.

Page created: July 19, 2013
Page updated: July 19, 2013
Page reviewed: July 19, 2013
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