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Volume 2, Number 3—July 1996

HIV-1 Group O Virus Identified for the First Time in the United States

M. A. Rayfield*, P. Sullivan†, C. I. Bandea*, L. Britvan‡, R. A. Otten*, C. P. Pau*, D. Pieniazek*, S. Subbarao*, P. Simon†, C. A. Schable*, A. C. Wright*, J. Ward†, and G. Schochetman*
Author affiliations: Author Affiliations: ; *National Center for Infectious Diseases; †National Center for HIV, STD and TB Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA; ‡Kaiser Permanente Medical Group, Los Angeles, California, USA

Main Article

Table 1

Results of enzyme immunoassay for antibodies to HIV

Sample Date Genetic
HIV-1 EIAa Genetic
EIAa Abbott
EIAa Abbott
February 1995 ND ND ND ND 0.70
October 1995 a 0.51 1.35 1.60 ND ND
November 1995 b 0.41 0.89 2.10 ND ND
April 1996 c 4.20 3.40 0.68 3.10 1.15

a HIV-1 WB = indeterminate; detected p17, p24, p31, p50, p66, and equivocal gp41; HIV-1
antigen = negative (0.40).
b HIV-1 WB = same as above; HIV-1 antigen = negative (0.34).
c HIV-1 WB = same as above; HIV-1 IFA = positive (2.5+).
ND= not done.

Main Article

1Primers: gag/outer/forward - AGTACATGTTAAAACATGTAGTATGGGC; gag/outer/ reversed - CCTACTCCCTGACAGGCCGT CAGCATTTCTTC; gag/inner/forward - AGTACATGTTAAAACATGTAGTATGGGC; gag/inner/reverse - CCTTAAGCTTTTGT AGAATCTATCTACATA; protease/outer/forward - TTTGCCTCCCTCAAATC; protease/outer/reverse - TTACTGGCACTG GGGCTATGG; protease/inner/ forward - CCTCAAATCCCTCTTTG; protease/inner/reverse - TATAGGGAAGTTTAGTGTACA; env/outer/forward - CACAGAATTTAATGGAACAGGC; env/outer/reverse - TGTGTT ACAATAAAAGAATTCTCC; env/inner/forward - GTTACTTGTACACATGGCAT; and env/inner/reverse - AGAATTCTCCATGACAGTTAAA.

Page created: December 20, 2010
Page updated: December 20, 2010
Page reviewed: December 20, 2010
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