Nosocomial Neonatal Legionellosis Associated with Water in Infant Formula, Taiwan
Sung-Hsi Wei
1, Pesus Chou
1, Lei-Ron Tseng
1, Hung-Chih Lin
1, Jen-Hsien Wang, Ji-Nan Sheu, Ming-Tsan Liu, Fang-Ching Liu, Hoa-Hsin Wu, Min-Cheng Lin, Ching-Fen Ko, Hsiang-Yu Lin, Pei-Hsiu Kao, Kao-Pin Hwang, Yu-Lung Hsu, Tsung-Lin Kuo, and Chuen-Sheue Chiang
Author affiliations: Centers for Disease Control, Taipei, Taiwan (S.-H. Wei, L.-R. Tseng, M.-T. Liu, H.-H. Wu, M.-C. Lin, C.-F. Ko, P.-H. Kao, T.-L. Kuo, C.-S. Chiang); Community Medicine Research Center and Institute of Public Health, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan (S.-H. Wei, P. Chou); China Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan (H.-C. Lin, J.-H. Wang, H.-Y. Lin, K.-P. Hwang, Y.-L. Hsu); School of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University and Hospital, Taichung (J.-N. Sheu); Jen-Ai Hospital, Taichung (F.-C. Liu); National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences, Taipei (C.-S. Chiang)
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Figure. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns for Legionella pneumophila isolates from neonates with Legionella infection and hospital water sources. Genomic DNA was digested with SfiI and separated in 1% agarose gel by Bio-Rad CHEF MAPPER. Lane M, reference size maker (XbaI-digested genomic DNA fragments of Salmonella enterica ser. Braenderup H9812); lanes 1 and 2, clinical and environmental isolates of L. pneumophila serogroup 5 from case-patient 1; lanes 3 and 4, clinical and environmental isolates of L. pneumophila serogroup 1 for case-patient 2.
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Page created: October 06, 2014
Page updated: October 06, 2014
Page reviewed: October 06, 2014
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