Volume 20, Number 12—December 2014
Novel Divergent Rhabdovirus in Feces of Red Fox, Spain

Figure. Genome organization and phylogenetic analysis of RFFRV. A) Genome organization of RFFRV. Indicated are the locations of the major ORFs (including the positions of the first and last nucleotide) and 3 theoretical minor ORFs between the G and L genes. B) Phylogenetic maximum-likelihood tree using the WAG+F+I+G model and 100 bootstrap replicates in MEGA5 (http://www.megasoftware.net) of the deduced amino acid sequence of the L genes of various viruses of the order Mononegavirales. G, glycoprotein; L, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase; M, matrix; N, nucleoprotein; ORF, open reading frame; P, phosphoprotein; RFFRV, RFFRV, red fox fecal rhabdovirus. Only bootstrap values in the close proximity of the branch of the RFFRV are indicated. Scale bar indicates nucleotide substitutions per site. Viruses and GenBank accession numbers: vesicular stomatitis virus, Indiana, AAA48441; Maraba virus, AEI52253; cocal virus, EU373657; vesicular stomatitis virus, New Jersey, M20166; Jurona virus, HM566194; Perinet virus, HM566195; Chandipura virus, HM627187; Isfahan virus, AJ810084; pike fry rhabdovirus, ACP28002; spring viremia of carp virus, NC_002803; eel virus European, X JX827265; Siniperca chuatsi rhabdovirus, NC_008514; SIGMAV, sigma virus, Q410979; NGAV, Ngaingan virus, YP003518294; WONV, Wongabel virus, YP002333280; Tupaia virus, NC_007020; Durham virus, FJ952155; Kotonkan virus, NC_017714; Adelaide river virus, JN935380; Obodhiang virus, YP006200965; bovine ephemeral fever virus, NC_002526; Kimberley virus, JQ941664; Tibrogargan virus, GQ294472; Chandipura virus, GQ294473; BASV, Bas-Congo virus, JX297815; OVRV, Oak-Vale virus, AEJ07650; MOUV, moussavirus, FJ985749; Ikoma lyssavirus, JX193798; West Caucasian bat virus, EF614258; Lagos bat virus, JX901139; Shimoni bat virus, ADD84511; Mokola virus, YP142354; Irkut virus, EF614260; lyssavirus ozernoe, FJ905105; European bat lyssavirus 1, NC_009527; Duvenhage virus, JN986749; rabies virus (strain SRV9), AAT48626; Australian bat lyssavirus, NC_003243; Aravan virus, EF614259; Khujand virus, EF614261; FARV, Farmington virus, HM627182; rice yellow stunt virus, NC_003746; taro vein chlorosis virus, NC_006942; northern cereal mosaic virus, NP_597914; strawberry crinkle virus, AAQ97583; lettuce necrotic yellows virus, NC_007642; lettuce yellow mottle virus, YP_002308376; viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus, AB672614; snakehead rhabdovirus, NC 000903; infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus, L40883, Hirame rhabdovirus, NC_005093; bornavirus, L27077; bornavirus, NP_042024; HMPV, human metapneumovirus, AF371337; RSV, human respiratory syncytial virus, NP_056866; EBOV, Zaire ebolavirus, AAG40171; MARV, Marburg marburgvirus, YP_001531159; MUV, mumps virus, NC_002200; HPIV, human parainfluenza virus, CAA40788; HPIV, 4a, BAJ11747; Newcastle disease virus, ADH10207; HPIV, AAA46854; HPIV, AAA69579; FDLV, fer-de-lance paramyxovirus, NP_899661; MeAV, measles virus, NC_001498; CDV, canine distemper virus, AAR32274; Nipah virus, AAY43917; Hendra virus, NP_047113.
1These authors contributed equally to this article.