Volume 21, Number 12—December 2015
Vectorborne Transmission of Leishmania infantum from Hounds, United States
Figure 1

Figure 1. Sandflies infected with Leishmania infantum from US foxhounds, showing blocked stomodeal valve. Development of L. infantum (MCAN/US/2001/ FOXYMO1) in laboratory-reared Lutzomyia longipalpis sandflies led to stomodeal valve blockage 10–13 days after infection. A) Dissected gut of infected sandfly, showing stomodeal valve (cardia) obstructed by Leishmania parasites (dashed box). Foregut removed during dissection and parasites entangled by flagella are visible. Original magnification ×10. B) Parasites obstructing stomodeal valve and parasite-secreted plug (dashed box). Original magnification ×40. C) Parasite plug dissected from the stomodeal valve, showing metacyclic promastigote parasites attached to plug (arrow), as well as free-swimming parasites (arrowheads). Original magnification ×100 with oil.