Volume 21, Number 4—April 2015
Increased Risk for Group B Streptococcus Sepsis in Young Infants Exposed to HIV, Soweto, South Africa, 2004–20081
Table 2
Estimated annual number of invasive GBS disease cases and associated deaths and potential annual vaccine-preventable fraction, South Africa*
Vaccine-preventable cases and deaths | ||||||||
Trivalent GBS-CV‡‡ | ||||||||
Cases | 2,105§§ | 1.80 (1.73–1.88) | 1,230¶¶ | 1.49 (1.14–1.58) | 886## | 2.57 (2.40–2.75) | ||
Deaths | 278§§ | 0.24 (0.21–0.27) | 163¶¶ | 0.20 (0.17–2.31) | 117## | 0.34 (0.28–0.41) | ||
Pentavalent GBS-CV*** | ||||||||
Cases | 2,317§§ | 1.99 (1.90–2.07) | 1,354¶¶ | 1.64 (1.56–1.73) | 976## | 2.83 (2.66–3.01) | ||
Deaths | 306§§ | 0.26 (0.23–0.29) | 179¶¶ | 0.22 (0.19–0.25) | 129## | 0.37 (0.31–0.44) |
*GBS, group B Streptococcus; GBS-CV, GBS polysaccharide–protein conjugate vaccine.
†HIV-exposed and -unexposed values were calculated on the basis of national HIV prevalence in pregnant women (29.5%). Incidence values represent cases/1,000 live births.
‡2012 live births.
§Overall GBS incidence is 2.72/1,000 live births.
¶GBS incidence for HIV-unexposed infants is 1.99/1,000 live births.
#GBS incidence in HIV-exposed infants is 4.48/1,000 live births.
**Total deaths in infants <90 days old, assuming 15.2% were born at <33 weeks of gestation and have a case-fatality rate (CFR) of 26.5% and assuming 84.8% were born at >33 weeks of gestation and have a CFR of 15.6%.
††Deaths in infants <90 days old who were born at >33 weeks of gestation (84.8% of infants); CFR 15.6%.
‡‡Trivalent GBS-CV contains serotypes Ia, Ib, and III, which account for 88.3% of cases.
§§Assuming vaccine efficacy of 75%.
¶¶Assuming vaccine efficacy of 85%.
##Assuming vaccine efficacy of 65%.
***Pentavalent GBS-CV contains serotypes Ia, Ib, II, III, and V, which account for 97.2% of cases.
1Preliminary results from this study were presented at the 8th World Congress of the World Society for Pediatric Infectious Diseases, November 19–22, 2013, Cape Town, South Africa.