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Volume 21, Number 7—July 2015

Macacine Herpesvirus 1 in Long-Tailed Macaques, Malaysia, 2009–2011

Mei-Ho Lee, Melinda K. Rostal, Tom Hughes, Frankie Sitam, Chee-Yen Lee, Jeffrine Japning, Mallory E. Harden, Anthony Griffiths, Misliah Basir, Nathan D. Wolfe, Jonathan H. EpsteinComments to Author , and Peter Daszak
Author affiliations: EcoHealth Alliance, New York, New York, USA (M-.H. Lee, M.K. Rostal, T. Hughes, C.-Y. Lee, J.H. Epstein, P. Daszak); Department of Wildlife and National Parks Peninsular Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (F. Sitam, J. Japning, M. Basir); Texas Biomedical Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas, USA (M.E. Harden, A. Griffiths); Metabiota, San Francisco, California, USA (N.D. Wolfe)

Main Article

Table 1

PCR results for macacine herpesvirus 1 in macaques, by age and sex. Malaysia, 2009–2011*

Age group, y Male
No. No. (%; 95% CI) positive No. No. (%; 95% CI) positive No. No. (%) positive No. No. (%; 95% CI) positive
Adult, >6 120 55 (45.8; 36.9–54.7) 100 28 (28.0; 19.2–36.8) 1 0 221 83 (37.6; 31.2–43.9)
Subadult, 3–6 48 19 (39.6;25.7–53.4) 32 12 (37.5; 20.7–54.3) 0 0 80 31 (38.8; 28.1–49.4)
Juvenile, <3 52 23 (44.2; 30.7–57.7) 37 16 (43.2; 27.3–59.2) 0 0 89 39 (43.8; 33.5–54.1)


1 (50.0)

1 (50.0; NA)
Total 220 97 (44.1; 37.5–50.7)‡ 169 56 (33.1; 26.0–40.2)‡ 3 1 (33.3) 392 154 (39.3; 34.5–44.1)

*NA, not applicable.
†2 macaques of unspecified age and sex and 1 adult macaque of unspecified sex were included in the study.
‡Indicates a significant difference (p<0.05) between the 2 groups marked.

Main Article

Page created: June 12, 2015
Page updated: June 12, 2015
Page reviewed: June 12, 2015
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