Volume 22, Number 12—December 2016
Highly Pathogenic Reassortant Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus Clade in Poultry, Bhutan
Figure 2

Figure 2. Pathogenesis of influenza virus rH5N1 and pH5N1 genotypes in vitro and in vivo. A) Replication kinetics of rH5N1 and pH5N1 in Madin-Darby canine kidney (mammalian) cells. B) Replication kinetics of rH5N1 and pH5N1 in chicken embryonic fibroblast (avian) cells. C) Oropharyngeal shedding and transmissibility of rH5N1 and pH5N1 in a single-virus transmission model in 5-week-old White Leghorn chickens. D) Cloacal shedding and transmissibility of rH5N1 and pH5N1 in a single-virus transmission model in 5-week-old White Leghorn chickens. Naive chickens were co-housed with donors infected with either Ck/22478 (pH5N1) or Ck/Bh/346 (rH5N1) (C and D). The dashed line in each panel represents the limit of virus detection. ANOVA, analysis of variance; Ck/22478, A/chicken/Bangladesh/22478; Ck/Bh/346, A/chicken/Bhutan/346/2012; Dk/BD/23126, A/duck/Bangladesh/23126; Dk/BD/19097/2013, A/duck/Bangladesh/19097; EID, egg infectious dose; dpi, days postinoculation; hpi, hours postinfection; pH5N1, pandemic H1N1; rH5N1, reassortant H5N1.
1These authors contributed equally to this article.
2Current affiliation: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.