Volume 22, Number 3—March 2016
Identification of Novel Zoonotic Activity of Bartonella spp., France
Table 4
Compared genomes (GenBank accession nos.) | B. henselae MVT01 | B. henselae MVT02 | B. henselae MVT03 | B. tribocorum MVT04 | B. doshiae MVT05 | B. schoenbuchensis MVT07 | B. henselae Houston-1 | B. tribocorum CIP 105476 | B. doshiae NCTC 12862 | B. schoenbuchensis m07a |
B. henselae MVT01 (HG965802) | *100% | 100% ± 0.05 | 92.90% ± 1.74 | 28.20% ± 2.43 | 28.10% ± 2.43 | 23.80% ± 2.38 | 98.30% ± 0.64 | 28.20% ± 2.43 | 28.00% ± 2.43 | 23.60% ± 2.38 |
B. henselae MVT02 (NZ_LN879429) | 10 | 100% | 93.00% ± 1.72 | 28.20% ± 2.43 | 28.10% ± 2.43 | 23.80% ± 2.39 | 98.30% ± 0.64 | 28.20% ± 2.43 | 28.00% ± 2.43 | 23.60% ± 2.38 |
B. henselae MVT03 (HG969191) | 1,938 | 1,937 | 100% | 28.00% ± 2.43 | 28.00% ± 2.43 | 23.80% ± 2.39 | 92.30% ± 1.82 | 28.00% ± 2.43 | 27.90% ± 2.43 | 23.80% ± 2.39 |
B. tribocorum MVT04 (HG969192–HG969193) | NA | NA | NA | 100% | 26.50% ± 2.42 | 22.70% ± 2.37 | 28.20% ± 2.43 | 99.30% ± 0.33 | 26.60% ± 2.42 | 22.50% ± 2.36 |
B. doshiae MVT05 (CCBL010000001–CCBL010000013) | NA | NA | NA | NA | 100% | 23.60% ± 2.38 | 28.10% ± 2.43 | 26.50% ± 2.42 | 81.40% ± 2.72 | 23.60% ± 2.38 |
B. schoenbuchensis MVT07 (HG977193–HG977197) | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 100% | 23.70% ± 2.38 | 22.70% ± 2.37 | 23.60% ± 2.38 | 80.30% ± 2.77 |
B. henselae Houston-1 (NC_005956) | 693 | 698 | 2,093 | NA | NA | NA | 100% | 28.20% ± 2.43 | 28.00% ± 2.43 | 23.60% ± 2.38 |
B. tribocorum CIP 105476 (NC_010161, NC_010160) | NA | NA | NA | 51 | NA | NA | NA | 100% | 26.60% ± 2.42 | 22.60% ± 2.37 |
B. doshiae NCTC 12862 (NZ_JH725094–NZ_JH725100) | NA | NA | NA | NA | >10,000 | NA | NA | NA | 100% | 23.60% ± 2.38 |
B. schoenbuchensis m07a (NZ_KB915627–NZ_KB915629, NZ_CM001846, NZ_CM001845) | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | >10,000 | NA | NA | NA | 100% |
*All values are percentage identity + SD. Isolates designated MVT01–07 and MVT07 are isolates from humans in France. Gray shading indicates in silico DNA–DNA hybridization values obtained by using Genome-to-Genome Distance Calculator software (http://ggdc.dsmz.de/); darker shading indicates values >70%. Unshaded values are SNP numbers calculated by using SNP identification for strain typing software (23). NA, not applicable because SNP numbers cannot be estimated for distant genomes.
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Page created: February 18, 2016
Page updated: February 18, 2016
Page reviewed: February 18, 2016
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