Volume 23, Number 7—July 2017
Clonal Clusters and Virulence Factors of Group C and G Streptococcus Causing Severe Infections, Manitoba, Canada, 2012–2014
Table 3
Distribution of virulence factor genes in blood and respiratory isolates of Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis from patients with group C and G Streptococcus bacteremia causing severe infections, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 2012–2014
Gene | Gene product | No. isolates positive for virulence factor/no. tested (%) |
Reference | ||
Total isolates | Blood isolate | Respiratory isolate | |||
Adhesins | |||||
gapC | Glyceraldehyde 3-P dehydrogenase | 122/122 (100) | 89/89 (100) | 33/33 (100) | (22) |
Lmb | Laminin-binding surface protein | 122/122 (100) | 89/89 (100) | 33/33 (100) | (22) |
fnbB | Fibronectin-binding protein | 120/122 (98.4) | 89/89 (100) | 31/33 (94) | (35) |
fnB | Fibronectin-binding protein | 120/122 (98.4) | 89/89 (100) | 31/33 (94) | (35) |
cbp | Collagen-binding protein | 34/122 (27.9) | 29/89 (33) | 5/33 (15) | (22) |
gfbA | Fibronectin-binding protein | 32/122 (26.2) | 24/89 (30) | 8/33 (24) | (35) |
fbp | Fibronectin-binding protein | 11/122 (9.0) | 10/89 (11) | 1/33 (3) | (22) |
fbsA | Fibrinogen-binding protein | 0/122 | 0/89 | 0/33 | (35) |
pavA | Adherence and virulence protein A | 0/122 | 0/89 | 0/33 | (35) |
fnbA |
Fibronectin-binding protein |
0/122 |
0/89 |
0/33 |
(35) |
Antiphagocytosis | |||||
cba |
C protein β antigen |
0/122 |
0/89 |
0/33 |
(35) |
Complement protease | |||||
scpA | C5a peptidase | 122/122 (100) | 89/89 (100) | 33/33 (100) | (22,35) |
scpB |
C5a peptidase |
122/122 (100) |
89/89 (100) |
33/33 (100) |
(35) |
Exoenzyme | |||||
hylB |
Hyaluronidase |
122/122 (100) |
89/89 (100) |
33/33 (100) |
(22,35) |
Invasion | |||||
bca |
C protein α antigen |
11/122 (9.0) |
5/89 (6) |
6/33 (18) |
(35) |
Streptokinases | |||||
ska | Streptokinase | 122/122 (100) | 89/89 (100) | 33/33 (100) | (22) |
skc | Streptokinase | 122/122 (100) | 89/89 (100) | 33/33 (100) | (35) |
skg |
Streptokinase |
122/122 (100) |
89/89 (100) |
33/33 (100) |
(35) |
Toxins | |||||
sagA | Streptolysin S | 122/122 (100) | 89/89 (100) | 33/33 (100) | (22) |
slo | Streptolysin O | 122/122 (100) | 89/89 (100) | 33/33 (100) | (22) |
speG | Streptococcus pyrogenic exotoxin G | 81/122 (66.4) | 58/89 (65) | 23/33 (70) | (22) |
cylE | β hemolysin/cytolysin | 0/122 | 0/89 | 0/33 | (35) |
Cfb |
CAMP factor |
0/122 |
0/89 |
0/33 |
(35) |
Other | |||||
sicG | Streptococcal inhibitor of a complement | 47/122 (38.5) | 35/89 (39) | 12/33 (36) | (22) |
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Page created: June 15, 2017
Page updated: June 15, 2017
Page reviewed: June 15, 2017
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