Volume 24, Number 10—October 2018
Transmission Dynamics of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus A(H5Nx) Clade, North America, 2014–2015
Figure 2

Figure 2. Genetic characterization of reassortant highly pathogenic avian influenza virus A(H5N2) clade, North America, 2014–2015. A) Maximum-likelihood phylogeny of concatenated complete genome sequences. Labels indicate genetic subgroups. Scale bar indicates nucleotide substitutions per site. The full version of the phylogenic tree is available in Technical Appendix Figure. B) Median-joining phylogenetic network constructed by using concatenated complete genome sequences. This network includes the most parsimonious trees linking the sequences. Each unique sequence is represented by a circle sized relative to its frequency in the dataset. Virus region and host are indicated. *US index H5N2 virus (A/Northern_pintail/Washington/40964/2014).
1Current affiliation: University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, USA.