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Volume 24, Number 12—December 2018

Genomic Characterization of β-Glucuronidase–Positive Escherichia coli O157:H7 Producing Stx2a

Yoshitoshi OguraComments to Author , Kazuko Seto, Yo Morimoto, Keiji Nakamura, Mitsuhiko P. Sato, Yasuhiro Gotoh, Takehiko Itoh, Atsushi Toyoda, Makoto Ohnishi, and Tetsuya Hayashi
Author affiliations: Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan (Y. Ogura, K. Nakamura, M.P. Sato, Y. Gotoh, T. Hayashi); Osaka Institute of Public Health, Osaka, Japan (K. Seto); Hokkaido Institute of Public Health, Hokkaido, Japan (Y. Morimoto); Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan (T. Itoh); National Institute of Genetics, Shizuoka, Japan (A. Toyoda); National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Tokyo (M. Ohnishi)

Main Article

Figure 3

Genome comparisons of Stx phages from the study of Stx–producing E. coli O157:H7. The results of the comparison of the genome structure (right) and dot-plot sequence comparisons (left) of the Stx phages are shown. Sequence identities are indicated by different colors. In the dot-plot matrices, phages integrated in the same integration sites are highlighted by gray shading and colored frames. GP,  β-glucuronidase–positive; IS, insertion sequence.

Figure 3. Genome comparisons of Stx phages from the study of Stx-producing E. coli O157:H7. The results of the comparison of the genome structure (left) and dot-plot sequence comparisons (right) of the Stx phages are shown. Sequence identities are indicated by different colors. In the dot-plot matrices, phages integrated in the same integration sites are highlighted by gray shading and colored frames. GP, β-glucuronidase–positive; IS, insertion sequence.

Main Article

Page created: November 20, 2018
Page updated: November 20, 2018
Page reviewed: November 20, 2018
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