Volume 24, Number 12—December 2018
Genomic Characterization of β-Glucuronidase–Positive Escherichia coli O157:H7 Producing Stx2a
Figure 4
![Lysis curves and levels of Stx produced by STEC O157:H7 strains after MMC treatment in study of Stx–producing E. coli. The lysis curves (A) and levels of Stx1 (B) and Stx2 (C) production by 5 STEC O157:H7 strains after the MMC treatment are shown. After the addition of MMC, the OD600 of each strain was measured every hour for 8 hours, and 100 μL of the culture was collected at each time point. Cell lysates were prepared, and the Stx1 and Stx2 concentrations in the soluble fractions were analyzed](/eid/images/18-0404-F4.jpg)
Figure 4. Lysis curves and levels of Stx produced by STEC O157:H7 strains after MMC treatment in study of Stx-producing E. coli. The lysis curves (A) and levels of Stx1 (B) and Stx2 (C) production by 5 STEC O157:H7 strains after the MMC treatment are shown. After the addition of MMC, the OD600 of each strain was measured every hour for 8 hours, and 100 μL of the culture was collected at each time point. Cell lysates were prepared, and the Stx1 and Stx2 concentrations in the soluble fractions were analyzed using a sandwich ELISA. All experiments were performed 3 times, and the averages and SEs of the Stx1 and Stx2 concentrations in each sample are plotted. Strains Sakai and EDL933 belong to typical STEC O157:H7, and the other 3 strains belong to GP STEC O157:H7. GP, β-glucuronidase–positive; MMC, mitomycin C; OD, optical density; STEC, Stx-producing E. coli.