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Volume 24, Number 4—April 2018

Avirulent Bacillus anthracis Strain with Molecular Assay Targets as Surrogate for Irradiation-Inactivated Virulent Spores

Roger D. Plaut, Andrea B. Staab, Mark A. Munson, Joan S. Gebhardt, Christopher P. Klimko, Avery V. Quirk, Christopher K. Cote, Tony L. Buhr, Rebecca D. Rossmaier, Robert C. Bernhards, Courtney E. Love, Kimberly L. Berk, Teresa G. Abshire, David A. Rozak, Linda C. Beck, Scott Stibitz, Bruce G. Goodwin, Michael A. Smith, and Shanmuga SozhamannanComments to Author 
Author affiliations: Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA (R.D. Plaut, S. Stibitz); Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren, Virginia, USA (A.B. Staab, T.L. Buhr, L.C. Beck); Naval Medical Research Center, Fort Detrick, Maryland, USA (M.A. Munson, J.S. Gebhardt); US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, Fort Detrick (C.P. Klimko, A.V. Quirk, C.K. Cote, T.G. Abshire, D.A. Rozak); US Army Edgewood Chemical and Biological Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, USA (R.D. Rossmaier, R.C. Bernhards, C.E. Love, K.L. Berk); Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Fort Belvoir, Virginia, USA (R.C. Bernhards); Joint Research and Development, Inc., Stafford, Virginia, USA (C.E. Love, L.C. Beck); Defense Biological Product Assurance Office, Frederick, Maryland, USA (B.G. Goodwin, M.A. Smith, S. Sozhamannan); The Tauri Group, Inc., Alexandria, Virginia, USA (S. Sozhamannan)

Main Article

Figure 2

Whole-genome sequence verification of the deletion of toxin genes in Bacillus anthracis Sterne 34F2 derivatives. Comparative genomic view of the ≈35-kbp region of the pXO1 containing the toxin genes cya, pagA, and lef is shown. The bottom line indicates the sequence of Ames ancestor along with the annotations. Conservation of the same genetic structure in the grandparent strain BA500 is indicated. Deletions in the parent strains (DKO and TKO) and construct 4 are indicated by breaks in the lines

Figure 2. Whole-genome sequence verification of the deletion of toxin genes in Bacillus anthracis Sterne 34F2 derivatives. Comparative genomic view of the ≈35-kbp region of the pXO1 containing the toxin genes cya, pagA, and lef is shown. The bottom line indicates the sequence of Ames ancestor along with the annotations. Conservation of the same genetic structure in the grandparent strain BA500 is indicated. Deletions in the parent strains (DKO and TKO) and construct 4 are indicated by breaks in the lines and in the conservation percentage index at the bottom. DKO, double knockout; TKO, triple knockout.

Main Article

Page created: March 19, 2018
Page updated: March 19, 2018
Page reviewed: March 19, 2018
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