Volume 24, Number 9—September 2018
Novel Orthopoxvirus and Lethal Disease in Cat, Italy
Table 1
PCR approach for identification of viruses of the subfamily Chordopoxvirinae*
Specificity | Target gene | Reference | Result | Amplicon, bp | Sequence | First match by BLAST analysis† | Nucleotide identity, % |
Panchordopoxvirus, low GC | Insulin metalloproteinase-like protein gene/IMV membrane protein gene | (19) | + | 220 | + | ECTV Naval KJ563295 | 100 |
Panchordopoxvirus, high GC | Insulin metalloproteinase-like protein gene/IMV membrane protein gene | (19) | ND | ND | ND | ND | ND |
Eurasian/African OPXVs | A-type inclusion protein gene | (20) | + | 1, 237‡ | + | CPXV Germany 91–3 DQ437593 | 98 |
Eurasian/African OPXVs | Hemagglutinin gene | (21) | + | 864§ | + | Feline poxvirus ITA2 FJ445747 | 96 |
ECTV | Hemagglutinin gene | (22) | + | 150 | + | ECTV Naval KJ563295 | 99 |
CPXV | Hemagglutinin gene | (22) | ND | 629–677 | ND | ND | ND |
*CPXV, cowpox virus: ECTV, ectromelia virus; IMV, intracellular mature virus; ND, not determined; OPXV, orthopoxvirus; +, sequence obtained.
†https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi?PAGE_TYPE=BlastSearch. GenBank accession numbers are provided.
‡Expected size for CPXV: 1,601 or 1,673 bp; expected size for ECTV: 1,220 bp.
§Expected size for CPXV: 942 bp; expected size for ECTV: 846 bp.
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Page created: August 14, 2018
Page updated: August 14, 2018
Page reviewed: August 14, 2018
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