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Volume 25, Number 1—January 2019

Clinical and Radiologic Characteristics of Human Metapneumovirus Infections in Adults, South Korea

Hyun Jung Koo, Han Na Lee, Sang-Ho Choi, Heungsup Sung, Hwa Jung Kim, and Kyung-Hyun DoComments to Author 
Author affiliations: Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea (H.J. Koo, S.H. Choi, H. Sung, H.J. Kim, K.-H. Do); Kyung Hee University Hospitalat Gangdong, Seoul, South Korea (H.N. Lee)

Main Article

Table 3

Clinical characteristics of patients associated with human metapneumovirus pneumonia, South Korea*

Characteristic URI, n = 270 LRD, n = 579 Univariate analysis
Multivariable analysis
OR (95% CI) p value OR (95% CI) p value
59.0 (49.3–69.8)
66.0 (56.0–74.0)
1.02 (1.01–1.03)

1.02 (1.01–1.03)
Male sex
121 (45)
321 (55)
1.57 (1.17–2.09)

0.95 (0.65–1.40)
Smoking <0.001 0.01
Never 209 (77) 356 (61) 1 1
Former 12 (4) 39 (7) 1.91 (0.98–3.73) 0.59 1.66 (0.80–3.43) 0.17
51 (19)
182 (31)
2.10 (1.47–2.99)

2.07 1.30–3.29)
Body mass index, kg/m2
23.4 (21.0–25.7)
22.7 (20.1–25.4)
0.97 (0.94–1.00)

0.97 (0.93–1.00)
Diabetes mellitus 79 (29) 217 (37) 1.47 (1.08–2.01) 0.02 1.37 (0.96–1.95) 0.08
Community-acquired pneumonia 238 (88) 516 (89) 0.83 (0.53–1.30) 0.41 1.10 (0.68–1.79) 0.69
Other pathogen
63 (23)
140 (24)
0.92 (0.66–1.30)

1.05 (0.73–1.52)
Underlying condition 0.002 0.003
Immunocompetent 126 (47) 333 (58) 1 1
Solid tumor 68 (25) 106 (18) 0.59 (0.41–0.85) 0.005 0.57 (0.38–0.84) 0.005
SOT 30 (11) 29 (5) 0.37 (0.21–0.63) <0.001 0.35 (0.19–0.65) 0.001
HCT 1 (0.4) 8 (1) 3.03 (0.38–24.45) 0.30 3.75 (0.44–31.85) 0.23
HM 20 (7) 38 (7) 0.72 (0.40–1.28) 0.26 0.79 (0.43–1.45) 0.45
Steroid use 27 (10) 63 (11) 0.88 (0.54–1.45) 0.62 0.72 (0.43–1.22) 0.22

*Values are no. (%) or median (interquartile range). HT, hematologic stem cell transplantation; HM, hematologic malignancy; LRD, lower respiratory tract disease; OR, odds ratio; SOT, solid organ transplants; URI, upper respiratory tract infection.

Main Article

Page created: December 18, 2018
Page updated: December 18, 2018
Page reviewed: December 18, 2018
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