Volume 25, Number 3—March 2019
Donor-Derived Genotype 4 Hepatitis E Virus Infection, Hong Kong, China, 2018
Table 2
Summary of studies describing HEV-4 infections in immunocompromised patients
Reference | Patient age, y/sex | Underlying immunosuppressive condition/treatment | Peak ALT, U/L | Progression to persistent HEV infection | Ribavirin treatment/ response | Patient outcome |
(37) |
4/M |
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia |
585 |
Spontaneous clearance, relapsed 20 mo later |
No |
Spontaneous clearance of relapse; resolution of hepatitis |
(36) |
68/M |
Liver transplantation/tacrolimus |
149 |
Yes |
Yes/yes |
Required retransplantation because of accelerated liver fibrosis; patient died of hemorrhage |
(35) |
47/F |
Liver transplantation/tacrolimus |
Not reported |
Yes |
Yes/no |
Progressive cholestasis; patient died of sepsis |
(11) | 52/M | Renal transplantation/prednisolone, cyclosporin A, and everolimus or sirolimus |
230 | Yes | Yes/no | Ribavirin resistance; progressive cirrhosis |
55/M | 456 | Yes | Yes/yes | Resolution of hepatitis | ||
65/M |
470 |
Yes |
Yes/yes |
Resolution of hepatitis |
(38) | 36/M | Renal transplantation/ tacrolimus | 300 | Yes | Yes/yes | Relapse after ribavirin withheld; progressive hepatitis |
*ALT, alanine aminotransferase; HEV, hepatitis E virus.
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Page created: February 19, 2019
Page updated: February 19, 2019
Page reviewed: February 19, 2019
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