Volume 26, Number 1—January 2020
Effect of Pediatric Influenza Vaccination on Antibiotic Resistance, England and Wales
Figure 2

Figure 2. Effect of pediatric LAIV on adverse health outcomes attributable to antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains, England and Wales. A) Estimated DALYs attributable to resistant infections averted by pediatric LAIV, stratified by causative pathogen. The entire width of each bar is the current number of DALYs; potential reductions are highlighted in black and reported next to each bar. B) One-way uncertainty analysis, showing the effect on DALYs averted, of alternative assumptions concerning the rate of influenza-attributable general practitioner consultations, the pediatric uptake of LAIV, the rate of antibiotic prescribing per general practitioner consultation, and how the effect of prescribing on adverse health outcomes associated with resistance is attributed (additional details in Methods and Appendix). DALYs, disability-adjusted life years; LAIV, live attenuated influenza vaccine.
1These authors contributed equally to this article.