Volume 28, Number 1—January 2022
Transmission Dynamics of Large Coronavirus Disease Outbreak in Homeless Shelter, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 2020
Figure 2

Figure 2. Sequential compartmental models corresponding to the 4 phases of the coronavirus disease outbreak response at Pacific Garden Mission, a homeless shelter in Chicago, Illinois, USA, 2020. A) Phase 1: prescreening (March 14–March 30); B) phase 2: symptom screening (March 30 – April 5) and temporary isolation; C) phase 3: hotel opening with continued symptom screening (April 5–8); D) phase 4: mass reverse transcription PCR testing rounds and isolation units (April 8–May 11). Corresponding description of compartments, systems of ordinary differential equations, and parameter descriptions are described in detail in the Appendix. E, Exposed; hosp, hospital; I, infectious; isol, isolation; R, recovered; S, susceptible
1These senior authors contributed equally to this article.