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Volume 28, Number 4—April 2022

Fatal Human Alphaherpesvirus 1 Infection in Free-Ranging Black-Tufted Marmosets in Anthropized Environments, Brazil, 2012–2019

Tais M. Wilson, Jana M. Ritter, Roosecelis B. Martines, Hannah A. Bullock, Pamela Fair, Kay W. Radford, Isabel L. Macêdo, Davi E.R. Sousa, Alexandra A.B. Gonçalves, Alessandro P. Romano, Pedro H.O. Passsos, Daniel G. Ramos, Gabriela R.T. Costa, Karina R.L.J. Cavalcante, Cristiano B. de Melo, Sherif R. Zaki, and Marcio B. CastroComments to Author 
Author affiliations: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (T.M. Wilson, J.M. Ritter, R.B. Martines, P. Fair, K.W. Radford, S.R. Zaki); University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil (T.M. Wilson, I.L. Macêdo, D.E.R. Sousa, A.A.B. Gonçalves, C.B. de Melo, M.B. Castro); Synergy America Inc., Atlanta (H.A. Bullock); Brazilian Ministry of Health, Brasília (A.P. Romano, P.H.O. Passos, D.G. Ramos, K.R.L.J. Cavalcante); Environmental Health Surveillance Directorate of the Federal District, Brasilia (G.R.T. Costa)

Main Article

Table 2

Histopathologic features found during necropsy of free-ranging black-tufted marmosets naturallly infected with human alphaherpesvirus 1, Brazil, 2012–2019

Organ, finding No. affected/total (%)*
Brain 12/13 (92)
Inclusion bodies within neurons and glial cells 12/12 (100)
Neuronal necrosis 12/12 (100)
Mononuclear perivascular cuffs 12/12 (100)
Neuronophagy 11/12 (92)
Reactive gliosis 11/12 (92)
Neuropil inflammation
Mononuclear cells 10/12 (83)
Neutrophils 3/12 (25)
Intravascular leukocytosis 9/12 (75)
Nonsuppurative meningitis 9/12 (75)
Glial nodules 5/12 (42)
Reactive neurovascular endothelium
5/12 (42)
Tongue 9/13 (69)
Acantholysis 8/9 (89)
Epithelial ballooning degeneration 8/9 (89)
Epithelial intranuclear inclusion bodies 8/9 (89)
Subepithelial inflammation 8/9 (89)
Epithelial necrosis 5/9 (55)
Ulcer 4/9 (44)
Syncytial cells
2/9 (22)
Liver 1/13 (8)
Hepatocellular coagulative necrosis 1/1 (100)
Intranuclear viral inclusion bodies 1/1 (100)
Multinucleated giant cells 1/1 (100)

*Denominators indicate numbers of animals for which information was available.

Main Article

Page created: January 26, 2022
Page updated: March 19, 2022
Page reviewed: March 19, 2022
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